# Magnetico database migrator
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This simple utility will help you to migrate your data from legacy
Python version of `magneticod` to the new Go version which uses new
persistence layer.
## Installation
## Usage
### Important notes:
- `--py-database` syntax is similar but not the same. But if you'll use just
`sqlite3://` schema and path to the database you'll be ok.
- `--go-database` you can use the same syntax as used in `magneticod` CLI interface.
### Merging with magneticod-go's PostgreSQL
./magnetico-go-migrator --py-database=sqlite3:///path/to/old/database.sqlite3 --go-database=postgres://username:password@hostname/db_name?port=5432&sslmode=disable
### Merging into magneticod-go's Beanstalk
./magnetico-go-migrator --py-database=sqlite3:///path/to/old/database.sqlite3 --go-database=beanstalk://