URL scheme whitelist and Inline Queries. #21

skobkin merged 3 commits from fix_chat_type_middleware_nil_pointer into main 2024-03-12 22:20:06 +00:00
6 changed files with 267 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
th "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegohandler"
tu "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegoutil"
@ -75,18 +74,109 @@ func (b *Bot) Run() error {
// Middlewares
// Handlers
// Command handlers
bh.Handle(b.startHandler, th.CommandEqual("start"))
bh.Handle(b.heyHandler, th.CommandEqual("hey"))
bh.Handle(b.summarizeHandler, th.CommandEqual("summarize"))
bh.Handle(b.statsHandler, th.CommandEqual("stats"))
bh.Handle(b.helpHandler, th.CommandEqual("help"))
// Inline query handlers
bh.Handle(b.inlineHandler, th.AnyInlineQuery())
return nil
func (b *Bot) inlineHandler(bot *telego.Bot, update telego.Update) {
iq := update.InlineQuery
slog.Info("inline query received", "query", iq.Query)
slog.Debug("query", "query", iq)
if len(iq.Query) < 3 {
queryParts := strings.SplitN(iq.Query, " ", 2)
if len(queryParts) < 1 {
slog.Debug("Empty query. Skipping.")
var response *telego.AnswerInlineQueryParams
switch isValidAndAllowedUrl(queryParts[0]) {
case true:
slog.Info("Inline /summarize request", "url", queryParts[0])
article, err := b.extractor.GetArticleFromUrl(queryParts[0])
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Cannot retrieve an article using extractor", "error", err)
llmReply, err := b.llm.Summarize(article.Text, llm.ModelMistralUncensored)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Cannot get reply from LLM connector")
b.trySendInlineQueryError(iq, "LLM request error. Try again later.")
slog.Debug("Got completion. Going to send.", "llm-completion", llmReply)
response = tu.InlineQuery(
"Summary for "+queryParts[0],
case false:
slog.Info("Inline /hey request", "text", iq.Query)
requestContext := createLlmRequestContextFromUpdate(update)
llmReply, err := b.llm.HandleSingleRequest(iq.Query, llm.ModelMistralUncensored, requestContext)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Cannot get reply from LLM connector")
b.trySendInlineQueryError(iq, "LLM request error. Try again later.")
slog.Debug("Got completion. Going to send.", "llm-completion", llmReply)
response = tu.InlineQuery(
"LLM reply to\""+iq.Query+"\"",
err := bot.AnswerInlineQuery(response)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Can't answer to inline query", "error", err)
b.trySendInlineQueryError(iq, "Couldn't send intended reply, sorry")
func (b *Bot) heyHandler(bot *telego.Bot, update telego.Update) {
slog.Info("/hey", "message-text", update.Message.Text)
@ -102,7 +192,7 @@ func (b *Bot) heyHandler(bot *telego.Bot, update telego.Update) {
requestContext := b.createLlmRequestContext(update)
requestContext := createLlmRequestContextFromUpdate(update)
llmReply, err := b.llm.HandleSingleRequest(userMessage, llm.ModelMistralUncensored, requestContext)
if err != nil {
@ -116,7 +206,7 @@ func (b *Bot) heyHandler(bot *telego.Bot, update telego.Update) {
slog.Debug("Got completion. Going to send.", "llm-reply", llmReply)
slog.Debug("Got completion. Going to send.", "llm-completion", llmReply)
message := tu.Message(
@ -140,7 +230,7 @@ func (b *Bot) summarizeHandler(bot *telego.Bot, update telego.Update) {
args := strings.Split(update.Message.Text, " ")
args := strings.SplitN(update.Message.Text, " ", 2)
if len(args) < 2 {
_, _ = bot.SendMessage(tu.Message(
@ -153,9 +243,8 @@ func (b *Bot) summarizeHandler(bot *telego.Bot, update telego.Update) {
_, err := url.ParseRequestURI(args[1])
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Provided URL is not valid", "url", args[1])
if !isValidAndAllowedUrl(args[1]) {
slog.Error("Provided text is not a valid URL", "text", args[1])
_, _ = b.api.SendMessage(b.reply(update.Message, tu.Message(
@ -182,7 +271,7 @@ func (b *Bot) summarizeHandler(bot *telego.Bot, update telego.Update) {
slog.Debug("Got completion. Going to send.", "llm-reply", llmReply)
slog.Debug("Got completion. Going to send.", "llm-completion", llmReply)
message := tu.Message(
@ -259,65 +348,6 @@ func (b *Bot) statsHandler(bot *telego.Bot, update telego.Update) {
func (b *Bot) createLlmRequestContext(update telego.Update) llm.RequestContext {
message := update.Message
rc := llm.RequestContext{}
if message == nil {
slog.Debug("request context creation problem: no message provided. returning empty context.", "request-context", rc)
return rc
user := message.From
if user != nil {
rc.User = llm.UserContext{
Username: user.Username,
FirstName: user.FirstName,
LastName: user.LastName,
IsPremium: user.IsPremium,
chat := message.Chat
rc.Chat = llm.ChatContext{
Title: chat.Title,
Description: chat.Description,
Type: chat.Type,
slog.Debug("request context created", "request-context", rc)
return rc
func (b *Bot) escapeMarkdownV1Symbols(input string) string {
return b.markdownV1Replacer.Replace(input)
func (b *Bot) reply(originalMessage *telego.Message, newMessage *telego.SendMessageParams) *telego.SendMessageParams {
return newMessage.WithReplyParameters(&telego.ReplyParameters{
MessageID: originalMessage.MessageID,
func (b *Bot) sendTyping(chatId telego.ChatID) {
slog.Debug("Setting 'typing' chat action")
err := b.api.SendChatAction(tu.ChatAction(chatId, "typing"))
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Cannot set chat action", "error", err)
func (b *Bot) trySendReplyError(message *telego.Message) {
if message == nil {
_, _ = b.api.SendMessage(b.reply(message, tu.Message(
"Error occurred while trying to send reply.",

bot/helpers.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package bot
import (
tu "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegoutil"
var (
allowedUrlSchemes = []string{"http", "https"}
func (b *Bot) reply(originalMessage *telego.Message, newMessage *telego.SendMessageParams) *telego.SendMessageParams {
return newMessage.WithReplyParameters(&telego.ReplyParameters{
MessageID: originalMessage.MessageID,
func (b *Bot) sendTyping(chatId telego.ChatID) {
slog.Debug("Setting 'typing' chat action")
err := b.api.SendChatAction(tu.ChatAction(chatId, "typing"))
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Cannot set chat action", "error", err)
func (b *Bot) trySendReplyError(message *telego.Message) {
if message == nil {
_, _ = b.api.SendMessage(b.reply(message, tu.Message(
"Error occurred while trying to send reply.",
func (b *Bot) trySendInlineQueryError(iq *telego.InlineQuery, text string) {
if iq == nil {
_ = b.api.AnswerInlineQuery(tu.InlineQuery(
"Error: "+text,
func isValidAndAllowedUrl(text string) bool {
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(text)
if err != nil {
slog.Debug("Provided text is not an URL", "text", text)
return false
if !slices.Contains(allowedUrlSchemes, strings.ToLower(u.Scheme)) {
slog.Debug("Provided URL has disallowed scheme", "scheme", u.Scheme, "allowed-schemes", allowedUrlSchemes)
return false
return true

bot/request_context.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package bot
import (
func createLlmRequestContextFromUpdate(update telego.Update) llm.RequestContext {
message := update.Message
iq := update.InlineQuery
rc := llm.RequestContext{
Empty: true,
Inline: false,
switch {
case message == nil && iq == nil:
slog.Debug("request context creation problem: no message provided. returning empty context.", "request-context", rc)
return rc
case iq != nil:
rc.Inline = true
rc.Empty = false
var user *telego.User
if rc.Inline {
user = &iq.From
} else {
user = message.From
if user != nil {
rc.User = llm.UserContext{
Username: user.Username,
FirstName: user.FirstName,
LastName: user.LastName,
IsPremium: user.IsPremium,
if !rc.Inline {
chat := message.Chat
rc.Chat = llm.ChatContext{
Title: chat.Title,
Description: chat.Description,
Type: chat.Type,
slog.Debug("request context created", "request-context", rc)
return rc

View file

@ -30,15 +30,20 @@ func NewConnector(baseUrl string, token string) *LlmConnector {
func (l *LlmConnector) HandleSingleRequest(text string, model string, requestContext RequestContext) (string, error) {
systemPrompt := "You're a bot in the Telegram chat. " +
"You're using a free model called \"" + model + "\". " +
"You see only messages addressed to you using commands due to privacy settings."
if !requestContext.Empty {
systemPrompt += " " + requestContext.Prompt()
req := openai.ChatCompletionRequest{
Model: model,
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessage{
Role: openai.ChatMessageRoleSystem,
Content: "You're a bot in the Telegram chat. " +
"You're using a free model called \"" + model + "\". " +
"You see only messages addressed to you using commands due to privacy settings. " +
Role: openai.ChatMessageRoleSystem,
Content: systemPrompt,

View file

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
package llm
type RequestContext struct {
User UserContext
Chat ChatContext
Empty bool
Inline bool
User UserContext
Chat ChatContext
type UserContext struct {
@ -19,13 +21,22 @@ type ChatContext struct {
func (c RequestContext) Prompt() string {
prompt := "The type of chat you're in is \"" + c.Chat.Type + "\". "
if c.Chat.Title != "" {
prompt += "Chat is called \"" + c.Chat.Title + "\". "
if c.Empty {
return ""
if c.Chat.Description != "" {
prompt += "Chat description is \"" + c.Chat.Description + "\". "
prompt := ""
if !c.Inline {
prompt += "The type of chat you're in is \"" + c.Chat.Type + "\". "
if c.Chat.Title != "" {
prompt += "Chat is called \"" + c.Chat.Title + "\". "
if c.Chat.Description != "" {
prompt += "Chat description is \"" + c.Chat.Description + "\". "
} else {
prompt += "You're responding to inline query, so you're not in the chat right now. "
prompt += "According to their profile, first name of the user who wrote you is \"" + c.User.FirstName + "\". "

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type Stats struct {
GroupRequests uint64
PrivateRequests uint64
InlineQueries uint64
HeyRequests uint64
SummarizeRequests uint64
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ func NewStats() *Stats {
GroupRequests: 0,
PrivateRequests: 0,
InlineQueries: 0,
HeyRequests: 0,
SummarizeRequests: 0,
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ func (s *Stats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
GroupRequests uint64 `json:"group_requests"`
PrivateRequests uint64 `json:"private_requests"`
InlineQueries uint64 `json:"inline_queries"`
HeyRequests uint64 `json:"hey_requests"`
SummarizeRequests uint64 `json:"summarize_requests"`
@ -44,6 +47,7 @@ func (s *Stats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
GroupRequests: s.GroupRequests,
PrivateRequests: s.PrivateRequests,
InlineQueries: s.InlineQueries,
HeyRequests: s.HeyRequests,
SummarizeRequests: s.SummarizeRequests,
@ -59,6 +63,12 @@ func (s *Stats) String() string {
return string(data)
func (s *Stats) InlineQuery() {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
func (s *Stats) GroupRequest() {
defer s.mu.Unlock()