Chapters 4, 5 added.

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Alexey Skobkin 2023-12-22 05:57:59 +03:00
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commit 3ba95e890b
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2 changed files with 215 additions and 0 deletions

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# Chapter 4
“Well, of course Im a mermaid, silly.” Calypso said with a laugh. She flicked her tail up and down playfully, showing him that there was no trickery or fooling around here…she was the genuine article. A real mermaid! Abraham could only stare in wonder at her. He had always thought them a myth…and he certainly never would have classified them as a monster.
“Thats amazing!” Abraham exclaimed. Calypso blushed.
“After all that youve seen today, is this really so surprising?” She asked. Abraham nodded.
“Well, youre not like the others…I mean…mermaids arent monsters…theyre…” Calypso suddenly gave him a very cold look.
“They arent any more monsters than I am!” She shouted. “We arent monsters…none of us are. Not me, or anyone else in the club.” Abraham held up his hands defensively.
“Im sorry…I didnt mean to sound rude.” He admitted. Calypso sighed and pulled herself back up on the rock, sunning herself. Abraham looked her over and blushed…she was gorgeous. “But how did you have legs earlier? I didnt think mermaids could grow legs.” Calypso grinned and turned to face Abraham.
“Well, a long time ago, we mermaids went by another name.” Calypso explained. “Sailors would call us sirens. We couldnt leave the ocean…so if we wanted supplies or cargo from the land, we sat upon rocks and waited for ships to come by. We would sing our hypnotic songs, to bring them crashing into the rocks….and then we took what we wanted. Those were darker times.” She then waved her fins a little to let them sparkle in the sunlight.
“However, as time went on…humans stopped relying on ships to go places and they started using planes, and stronger vessels. Our numbers dwindled and my kind began to die out. So, we had to learn to evolve or die. Soon, my kind became known as mermaids…and we were able to grow legs and walk like humans.” Abraham listened to her with complete attention, soaking in every word that she said. “However, our legs return to fins whenever we get wet.”
“Why?” Abraham asked.
“Why do you sweat?” Calypso countered. “Its an automatic response that your body goes through when you feel too hot. To allow ourselves to more easily swim, our body automatically responds to getting wet.” Abraham gasped in understanding.
“That…actually makes a lot of sense.” Abraham said. Calypso smiled.
“You see? Once you understand something…and know the facts behind it, you can separate fact from fiction…and monster from being.” Abraham suddenly looked in his hand and realized he was still holding the red bracelet.
“Oh, this is yours right?” He held out the jewelry and Calypso suddenly blushed a deep shade of red. She took it quickly from his hands and cradled the item carefully.
“Yes….well no….not exactly…” She stammered. It seemed like she had suddenly become a lot more nervous and shy. “…its not for me…its um….oh…” Abraham laughed and walked closer.
“Is it for Asher?” Calypso let out a shriek and placed her hand over Abrahams mouth.
“Please, dont tell anyone! I dont want him to find out!” Abraham shook his head quickly, assuring her that he wouldnt tell anyone. She let go of his mouth and looked down at the bracelet sadly. “Hes going back out tonight…and I dont know how long it will be before I see him again…so.” Calypso pulled the bracelet to her chest and held it tight…as if she could somehow hug Asher through it. “I get so worried about him when he goes off.”
“Does he leave often?” Abraham asked. She nodded.
“Hes a vampire…every night he goes out to feed and keep watch for any sign of danger. Thats his job after all…to keep watch after dark.” Calypso then looked out over the lake, a look of sorrow etched across her lovely face. “But hes never left for days at a time before…not since…since…”
“Since Katie was taken?”
Calypso choked a little bit and turned away from Abraham…trying not to look at him. She looked so upset…and somewhat scared. What had spooked her?
“Katie was taken about a week ago, right? So Asher has been gone for a week?” Abraham asked. Calypso didnt respond at first…but slowly she nodded.
“We were…beginning to think he had…been taken too.” Calypso whispered tearfully. “Then he showed up…and I was so happy.” This whole business was starting to really interest Abraham. What was it that had everyone so nervous? What was keeping them all so quiet and so fearful? What could have taken a monster away…and then avoided a vampire for a whole week? It was something that he just needed to know.
“Calyspo…what do you think took Katie?” Calypso shivered and shook her head.
“I dont know…” She muttered. “Anyway, I should get back to work.” She leaped into the water and started to swim off.
“WAIT!” Abraham called. Calypso stopped, her head still out of the water. She turned to look up at Abraham. Abraham fell to his knees and folded his hands pleadingly. “Please, I swear Ill never ask again…but I just have to know…what do you think took her? Whats got everyone so afraid?!” Calypso paused and gave a very scared and very upset stare…but then she sighed and looked down into the murky depths of the lake.
“Humans…are hypocritical creatures.” Calypso muttered darkly.
“What do you mean?” Abraham asked.
“They long to be rid of that which is inhuman and supernatural…but they arent afraid to employ such tactics themselves.” Calypso hissed. She then looked up, a tear rolling down her face. “I have to go, Abraham…Im sorry.” She then turned and dove back under the water, without looking back.
“Damn…” Abraham muttered. “This is driving me nuts.” Abraham turned back towards the yard and looked around. There was little to do or see out here, and his own curiosity was killing him. “What now?”
Suddenly there was a crash up the yard! It sounded like something had fallen. Abraham jumped to his feet and ran to the sound of the crash as fast as he could. He darted up the yard as fast as his legs could carry him. As he got further up the hill, he saw a figure leaning over a pile of dirt and clay. It was small and covered in bandages!
“Tamil?” Abraham called out. The mummy looked up from where he was kneeling and looked up in Abrahams direction.
“Who is there?” He called back. Abraham stopped in his tracks and gave a confused look.
“Tamil…its me.” Tamils face contorted with lack of understanding. Could he really not figure it out? “Its Abraham!” Tamil suddenly beamed.
“Oh! I am sorry.” Tamil cried. “I did not recognize your voice, my friend.” Abraham kneeled down next to Tamil and waved his hand in front of his face.
“Come on man, you saw me this morning.” Suddenly Tamils face fell and he looked away.
“Actually…I did not. I am blind.” Abraham suddenly gasped and blushed. How had he not realized it before? That was the reason for his pale eyes…and why he never looked him in the eyes! Its because he wasnt able to see.
“Tamil…Im sorry. I didnt know.” Abraham said apologetically. Tamil smiled and waved it aside.
“No, it is fine.” Tamil said slowly. “I…am used to it now.” He leaned back over the pile of dirt and got back to digging it up. Abraham looked down at the dirt curiously.
“What are you doing?” Abraham asked.
“I am fertilizing ground.” Tamil explained. Tamil grinned and then stuck his arm into the hole he had dug in the dirt. Abraham watched to see what would happen….but nothing seemed to be going on. Tamil grinned gain and used his free hand to brush his hair back.
“How are you….”
“My body is fertilizing ground.” Tamil explained further. Abraham jumped back in shock and in mortification.
“Thats nasty!” Tamil chuckled and continued what he was doing.
“If you think aboot it…I am nothing more than walking fertilizer. My job is to care for garden.” Tamil laughed. “So what are you doing?” Abraham looked away from the hole and tried to focus on anything else other than what Tamil was doing.
“Im looking for something to do…you know…like a job of some kind?” Abraham answered.
“I see,” Tamil said, “well, you can pull up some weeds for me.” Abraham nodded his reply and walked over to the other side of the flowerbed. He knelt down and began grabbing hold of small green weeds, yanking them up carefully from the ground.
“You have not asked me, by the way.” Tamil said mysteriously. Abraham looked up at Tamil questioningly.
“Asked you what?” Tamil looked up at Abraham, and Abraham was genuinely spooked by his ghostly pale eyes.
“About Katie.” Tamil said darkly. Abraham dropped his handful of weeds on the ground and stared at Tamil.
“How did you…”
“Been listening.” Tamil answered. “Know you have asked the others.” Abraham turned to face Tamil and placed his knee into the ground…waiting for Tamil to continue.
“And?” Abraham pressed. Tamil shook his head.
“I answer one question about Katie…if you answer one question of mine.” Tamil said. Abraham shrugged and nodded his head. Tamil leaned back and stared at off into space…a serious look on his face.
“What do you remember…about family?” Tamil asked. Abraham stared for a moment, a little confused by the question.
“Well…I cant remember very much…I know that my mom was very pretty…and Im pretty sure that my dad was a lawyer or something.”
“They love you?” Tamil urged. Abraham couldnt help but notice there was a hint of sadness in his voice. Abraham nodded.
“Of course they loved me.”
“What does that feel like, Abraham?
Abraham just stared at Tamil with a questioning glance. What was this? Where was Tamil coming from? At first Tamil thought that he was joking or trying to sound clever…or maybe his English was still bad and he was just misspeaking…but there was a look of such sadness and urgency in his tired face that Abraham somehow knew there was no mistake…Tamil had meant what he said.
“Well…Im not sure how to describe it.” Abraham said. “Its a very…warm feeling I guess. When you love someone…you miss that person when they arent around…and you think about them all the time. Youd do anything for them.” Abraham paused and watched…Tamil was shaking. His body was bent over and he was trembling. “Tamil, are you okay?” Tamil nodded and looked up, forcing a smile.
“Yes, my friend…I fine.” Tamil went back to fertilizing and planting herbs and flowers…but his face still shown an aura of disappointment and sadness. “Was distracted.” Abraham leaned back and looked at Tamil carefully.
“Why did you ask?” Abraham inquired cautiously. Tamil froze up a little but never turned his head.
“My family….they…” Tamil trembled a little and then shook it off quickly. “Did have a question about Katie?” Tamil asked quickly, clearly trying to change the subject. Abraham was still concerned about Tamil…but his curiosity for the mystery of Katie was a little more pressing. He knew that the house was hiding something about her…and Tamil was just about to open up about it! However, he was limited to one question…he had to make it count!
“What took Katie and where did they take her?” Abraham finally asked. He knew it was two questions in one…but he had to hope that Tamil would answer at least one. Tamil frowned and pulled himself up from the dirt. He stood up, prompting Abraham to stand as well. Abraham looked into Tamils pale eyes which never met his.
“Katie taken…” Tamil muttered, “by weapon of man.” Tamil explained. “Where she is, we not know. That is why Asher search for her.” Abraham leaned closer, desperate for more.
“What sort of weapon? You mean like a gun? And why does Asher search for her and not you, or Michelle?” Tamil smirk and look away.
“I only promise you…one question.” Tamil said, holding up his finger to indicate that Abraham had already used up his question. I groaned, feeling no closer to the truth than before.
“Well…thanks anyway, Tamil.” Abraham said kindly, starting to walk away.
“Asher hunts,” Tamil called, causing Abraham to turn, “…because Asher only one who can save her from it.”
“Save her from what?” Abraham asked. Tamil shook his head.
“From weapon.” Tamil said. “Not a gun…but something worse. That is all I can say.” Abraham grinned and nodded.
“Thanks Tamil…I appreciate it. I hope you dont get in trouble for telling me.” Abraham called back. Tamil threw back his head and laughed out loud.
“What can they do to me?!” He laughed. “Have nothing to lose!” Abraham wasnt sure whether to laugh at his statement…or feel tremendously bad for poor Tamil. Regardless, Tamil had held up his promise and told Abraham what he knew. That was good enough for him. He turned and started heading back up toward the house. Fatigue had started to set in and he needed rest.
“Quite the little investigator, arent you?” Abraham nearly jumped out of his skin as he looked up the path to see Michelle, leaning against the wall of the house, watching him through her ice blue eyes.
“Michelle?!” Abraham cried out. “I…didnt see you there!” Michelle grinned.
“Perhaps youre so busy looking in places that you shouldnt that you arent looking in the places that you should…like whats right in front of you.” Abraham nodded at her insult and decided to ignore her. It was obvious that Michelle didnt trust him…and he wasnt going to indulge her.
“Fine…Ill take better care next time.” Abraham walked past her.
“I just gave you a clue you knuckle head!” Michelle shouted. Abraham stopped and turned to face her. She had a serious look on her face and then looked away from him.
“Look,” she said finally, “we got off on the wrong foot. Im sorry for being so…distrusting when you first arrived.” Abraham placed his hands in his pockets and watched her…it looked like Michelle was having trouble admitting her mistake.
“No, I understand.” Abraham said. “Theres no need to apologize.” Michelle shook her head forcefully.
“No…Asher was right earlier.” Michelle said. “We cant turn away someone in need just because of what they are…it makes us no different than your kind.”
“My kind arent all bad.” Abraham defended.
“I know…I know because…I was once like you.” Abrahams eyes widened in shock.
“What?!” Michelle reached to her jacket and lifted up the side, revealing a long scar along her waist.
“I was bitten when I was a little girl.” Michelle said darkly. “I thought I could get on with my normal life….but it wasnt easy. Soon, the prejudice…the fear…and the humans forced me to flee. My dad had to let me go.” Abraham suddenly felt nothing but remorse for her. He should have known that Michelle hadnt always been a werewolf. Did that maybe Asher…and possibly Katie could have been normal too?
“Im very sorry.” Abraham whispered.
“Dont give me pity.” Michelle barked. “Give me your word.”
“My word?” Abraham asked. Michelle took a dangerous step forward.
“It was humans that drove me away from my father and from my life…and when I founded the Monster Club, I thought that I could start over. Then you showed up. Im trusting you because you know what weve gone through…you know what its like to live on the run and not have anything to call your own. But you have to give me your word that you will not rip this family apart.” Michelle warned. Abraham nodded quickly.
“I swear it!” Abraham shouted. “Ill write it in blood if I have to!” Michelle giggled.
“Theres no need for that, Abraham.” Michelle said, trying to sound kind. “Why dont you go get some rest? Youve had a long day of snooping.” She turned and started walking back down toward the yard. Abraham suddenly remembered what she had said earlier and called after her.
“Michelle, what did you mean when you said you had given me a clue?!” Michelle never looked back as she laughed.
“And here I thought you humans were smarter than this…at least I was. Listen up, Holmes, you might learn something: Youre looking in the wrong places. If you want answers…try looking at when the problem begins!” Abraham didnt answer…but rather watched her walk further and further away.
“Its a riddle.” Abraham grumbled. Normally, Abraham enjoyed puzzles and riddles…but he had been trying all day to get to the bottom of this, and he couldnt think of anything! What was he missing? What did the riddle mean? “Gosh Im tired…” Abraham groaned. “Maybe a nap will help me think this through.” Abraham walked back to the cabin and made his way up the steps and into the house. His mind was filled with questions…and it was mulling everything over. What could be missing? What was the last piece?
“So how did it go?” Abraham spun to look and see Solomon sitting in the armchair. He had a book in his hand and he was looking up at Abraham with a grin on his face.
“I couldnt really find a job to do…so Im going to bed.”
“I wasnt talking about finding a job, boy.” Solomon laughed. He put down his book and leaned toward Abraham. “Im talking about your little investigation…on Katie.” Abrahams eyes widened and he tried to act innocent. Solomon laughed. “Oh dont think Im so dense, kid…I knew what you would do the minute I sent you out there. I wanted you to try and find out…to see what you could learn.” Abraham sighed with relief that Solomon wasnt mad at him.
“I didnt find out much…just pieces of information and riddles.” Solomon smiled.
“Really, well I happen to have a fondness for riddles. Lets hear about it…maybe I can fill in the blanks for you."

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# Chapter 5
The sun was high in the sky now. The overcast sky seemed to be brightening now as the lake shimmered with the suns glow. The inside of the house seemed to brighten under the sun. Abraham was rather impressed by the appearance of it…it hardly seemed like a house of monsters and ghouls any more. Solomon continued to stare up at Abraham, expecting him to speak up. Abraham was slightly nervous. Solomon had told him to stop digging into the fate of Katie, and he had disobeyed…but now Solomon was saying that he had wanted Abraham to do it? How did that make any sense?
"I…I don't understand…you actually wanted me to investigate the disappearance of Katie?" Abraham asked. Solomon nodded.
"Yes, I did."
"Then…why did you try to stop me earlier?" Solomon just laughed hardily at him.
"I wasn't trying to stop you…I only was trying to strengthen your resolve and feed your curiosity." Solomon explained. "I wanted to see how far you would be willing to go to find out the truth about her…and I must say that I'm impressed with your resolve. Now…share what you've learned with me…and I'll try to fill in the blanks for you." Abraham smiled, happy that he wasn't in any trouble.
"Well…here's what I've pieced together…" Abraham began. He walked over to the couch next to Solomon's arm chair and sat down as he spoke. "Katie was a monster here, just like you all. She lived in my room up until a week ago when she was kidnapped. None of you know who kidnapped her or how, but your suspicions point to some sort of new weapon that humans developed for the purpose of capturing monsters. This weapon is unknown and everyone is terrified of it…and supposedly, only Asher stands a chance of finding her, so that's why he goes out all the time looking for her." Abraham finished speaking and Solomon only smiled in amusement.
"I dare say, my boy…you could make a fine detective." Solomon laughed. "You have done an excellent job of digging up the truth…although you missed a few key details."
"That's what I wanted to bring up." Abraham said quickly. "Michelle gave me a clue…but I don't understand its meaning. I'm sure that I could figure out more if I just knew what the clue was."
"What was this clue?" Solomon asked encouragingly.
"She said that I was looking in the wrong places. She told me to try looking at where the problem began." When he said the last word, Solomon sighed and shook his head.
"Not 'where it began'…she said 'when it begins'." Solomon whispered.
"Why does that make a difference?" Abraham asked. Solomon tutted to himself and leaned back.
"It's a riddle, Abraham…everything makes a difference in a riddle."
"So, what does it mean? Where does she want me to look?" Abraham pressed. Solomon set down his book and folded his arms across his chest.
"She said you were looking in the wrong PLACE, Abraham…but she tells you to look WHEN it begins. This is implying a moment in time that something starts…not a location. Her clue is a moment in time." Solomon corrected. Abraham gasped and slapped his own forehead in realization.
"Okay, so the clue is a certain time…but what time does she mean?" Abraham asked. Solomon closed his eyes and his brow furrowed. He seemed deep in thought. He was grinning though…and he was chuckling to himself.
"I can't hold your hand the whole way, young inspector…try and figure it out yourself." Abraham nodded and he began to think hard. He now knew, thanks to the two key words place and when that Michelle's clue was a point in time…and her other clue was the word begins.
"The time period she's talking about is talking about when something begins…not when something began. So if something begins that means that it happens repeatedly right?" Abraham pressed. Solomon nodded reassuringly.
"You're correct." Abraham continued to ponder and consider everything….his mind was on overdrive as he thought hard about this clue.
"She said when the problem begins…so…she means that the problem…began at a certain time of day, right?!" Solomon didn't answer but his smile widened a little. Abraham was excited. He was closing in on the answer. He then saw it! The question he had been missing! Michelle had given him a question to figure out…not just a riddle!
"She said that I should look to when the problem begins. The problem was that Katie was kidnapped, and begins implies that it was a time of day…so now the only thing I need to discover is…." He leaned forward and faced Solomon seriously, a grin across his face. "At what time of day did Katie go missing?" Solomon let out a laugh and clapped his hands happily.
"My boy you did it!" He cried. "Well done…you've figured out the riddle." Abraham couldn't hold back a big smile. He had never been praised by a ghost before…but it felt strangely nice. Solomon chuckled and nodded his head. "Asher discovered Katie's room to be empty at dawn that morning. That was the moment our problem began. You could also make the argument that the dawn is the beginning of a problem for all monsters, as most monsters are nocturnal creatures. But you came to that answer in a most clever way…I'll have to praise Michelle later for coming up with such a good riddle."
"But what does it tell me?" Abraham asked. "I mean…so I know the time of day she was taken…what does that tell me?" Solomon's smile faded and he looked down at his feet.
"It tells you…who we believe to be Katie's abductors." Solomon said coldly.
"How?" Abraham asked. Solomon opened his mouth to speak when suddenly, there was a crash. Abraham and Solomon spun to see Tamil burst into the room. His pale eyes were wild and he was breathing heavily.
"People…coming….this….way!" He panted in exhaustion. Solomon rose to his feet, as did Abraham.
"We'll continue this later, Abraham…right now I need your help!" Solomon barked. He spun to face Tamil. "How many are there, and how far away?"
"There are three…all in fancy suits. They 3 minutes…away." Tamil gasped. Solomon nodded.
"Then we still have time…Go find Michelle and tell her to meet me at the front door, then go to Calypso and instruct her to dry herself off and get inside, immediately!" Tamil turned and rushed out the door to do as he was told. Abraham quickly jumped in.
"What about me, sir?" Abraham asked. Solomon glanced at him and smirked.
"I think I have a new job for you boy…but you'll have to play along with Michelle." Solomon quickly walked to the front of the house, with Abraham close behind him. Not 30 seconds later, Michelle was at the front door, looking dirty and frantic.
"I'm here! Tamil told me what's happening. What's the plan?!" Solomon turned from her and reached into a closet by the stairs. He pulled out two baseball gloves and tossed them to Michelle and Abraham. He then handed Abraham a baseball.
"You know how to handle this Michelle…do what you have to. Just don't let them inside the house until I've given the all clear." Solomon said fiercely. Michelle nodded and grabbed Abraham by the hand.
"What's he talking about?!" Abraham shouted. "I don't understand what we're doing." Michelle didn't respond, instead she ran to the front yard and made Abraham stand in place. She then backed away from him and held up the glove like a baseball player would.
"What does it look like we're doing, bro? Just two siblings playing catch, right?" Abraham stared at her in confusion and disbelief. Bro? Siblings? Catch? What was this all about? However, he thought back to how Solomon had told him to play along with Michelle…so that's what he did. He picked up the ball and threw it at Michelle. Her reflexes were flawless as she snatched the ball out of the air and chucked it back for Abraham.
"Excuse us." Abraham and Michelle stopped and turned around. Walking down the yard were three men in very formal business attire. They looked like lawyers or people of some sort of political authority. They smiled as they walked closer. Michelle grinned and waved kindly. Abraham's jaw almost dropped in her sudden change in attitude and demeanor!
"Hello, there!" Michelle cried out girlishly.
"Hi." Abraham responded nervously. The strangers nodded and one of them leaned down to look Abraham in the eyes.
"What are you kids up to?" He asked. Michelle walked forward and put her arm around my shoulders playfully.
"Just playing catch…you wanna join in?" The man shook his head, but never lost his smile.
"Actually, we're here on your father around?" Abraham started to speak up that they were orphans, but Michelle broke in first.
"Oh, dad isn't feeling too well at the moment. The doctor says it's the flue, but if you asked me, dad's too tough for the flu bug. Still…doctor says he needs rest. If you'd like to leave a message, I'll see that he gets it." Abraham couldn't believe just how convincing Michelle sounded! It was as if she had been born as two different people. Her lie sounded so natural that he himself almost believed her. The adults looked from one to the other, clearly unsure as to what to do. The one in front coughed and shook his head.
"I'm afraid that we have to speak to your father personally…it's about the house." He pulled out a folder from inside of his coat. "I'm afraid that he needs to see these." Michelle's face suddenly darkened. Abraham could feel anger building up behind her face.
"I told you…he's not feeling well. Why don't you come back later?"
"We can't, kid…now if you'll…" The lawyer stopped talking and looked up to the house. Michelle and Abraham spun to look and he couldn't help but stare. Walking towards them, up the lawn was a figure. He had on a dark hood covering his head and a leather jacket over that. His hands were stashed in the pockets of his dark jeans and his boots squished loudly in the wet grass. Abraham couldn't quite make out his face…but he was too short to be Solomon…and too tall to be Tamil. Who was it?
"Hello, are you the father of these children?"
"Not really, more of a big brother." The figure said. "As my kid sister probably told you, the old man doesn't want any visitors today…so you're going to have to leave and comeback later." Abraham recognized the voice…it was Asher! But it was the middle of the day, what was he doing out here?! The lawyer seemed unfazed by Asher's remark.
"Listen, young man," the man said fiercely, "you're probably too young to understand the details of this, but our client is very interested in this property, and seeing as how the original owner has long sense passed away, and no will has been presented…we are here to…to…" Asher raised his head up slightly so that his face could just barely be seen…and Abraham couldn't help but squirm when he saw Asher's eyes.
"…To do what, exactly?" Asher asked. The lawyer tried to speak…but he seemed tongue tied. He couldn't pull his gaze away…it was like his eyes were locked on Ashers. Abraham looked up at Ashers eyes and….it was unbelievable! Abraham suddenly felt an unbelievable peace wash over his body! He felt so warm…so happy! It was like nothing he had ever felt before! He's muscles relaxed and his body felt so pleasant! He couldn't look away from Asher's glowing, crimson eyes! He would do anything for him! Whatever he was told, he would do without hesitation! Why did he feel like this?! What was wrong with him?
"Nothing is wrong."
It was Asher's voice! It was so clear…so deep in his mind that he couldn't possibly ignore it. It wasn't just a sentence…it was a command! It was law!
"Nothing…is wrong…?" Abraham muttered. What was wrong? Who cared!? If he said that there was nothing wrong, then the wrong never existed!
"Everything is fine."
"Everything is…fine." Abraham repeated stupidly.
"Abraham, ABRAHAM!" Suddenly, Abraham felt his body being jerked back to reality, his eyes were being covered by Michelle. What had just happened?! He looked up and saw that Michelle was protecting his eyes.
"What…I don't…"
"Never look directly at Asher's eyes when he does that!" Michelle hissed. Abraham was about to ask why…but he quickly realized that he didn't need to. He turned to look up at the scene before him. The three lawyers were standing slack…as if their muscles had fallen asleep and they were only just barely standing up. They couldn't look away from Asher, whose eyes were boring into theirs. They must have been trapped under his gaze like he had been!
"What happened to me?" Abraham asked.
"The same thing that's happening to them!" Michelle hissed, indicating the zombie like lawyers.
"What's he done to them?" Abraham whispered. "Are they under some kind of…obedience spell…or some kind of love beam?"
"It's vampire hypnosis." Michelle explained. "Asher has the power to manipulate the mind and memories of other people using his gaze. Problem is, it affects anyone who gazes at his eyes. You're lucky I was here, or you'd be as brain dead as our guests here!" Abraham nodded as Michelle spoke. He knew that vampires were powerful creatures…and he knew that Asher was strong even before he knew that Asher was a vampire…but he had no idea just how strong Asher really was. What other powers did Asher have that he didn't know about? In fact, what powers and skills did the others have that he wasn't aware of? They were monsters after all. As he thought these things, the scene before him continued to unfold.
"I'm afraid that your services are no longer required here, gentlemen." Asher said in that same deep and hypnotizing voice. "Please leave immediately…and do not darken our doorstep again." Abraham knew all too well what those lawyers must have been feeling…and if he was right, then he knew what would happen next. The lawyers, still as stiff as boards smiled strangely and nodded.
"Yes," they muttered, "we'll leave immediately." Abraham caught a glimpse of Asher's face…and he saw that Asher was grinning…exposing his fangs.
"Excellent…now go." With these last words, the lawyers turned on their heels and started marching away quickly…they couldn't wait to follow through with their orders. Once they were well out of sight, Asher groaned and turned to walk back towards the house.
"Nice work, Asher." Michelle said kindly with a smirk. Asher grunted in response.
"I'm going back to bed…being out in the sun is exhausting…even with my body covered." Abraham watched him walk towards the house and couldn't help but feel a great deal of respect and a small hint of fear. Asher was definitely a creature not to cross. No wonder everyone thought he was the only one to save Katie.
"The sun is fatal to Asher," Michelle explained, "he can't take direct sunlight or he'll burn. If he wants to go outside in the sun, he has to cover himself in clothing to keep from being burned….but even doing that weakens him. That's why he seems so gloomy. Normally he's not quite that sullen." Abraham nodded. "By the way, nice job today…you played your part well."
"Um…what exactly did I do besides get caught in Asher's gaze?" Abraham asked.
"Asher's job is to protect this house…and keep people away. However, during the day, he has to sleep, since I was the only one who could appear human during the day, I keep an eye on things during the day…and sometimes I have to pretend to be someone I'm not to make them leave."
"Oh, I see." Abraham said, starting to understand her work a little bit better. "That's why you said we were brother and sister…you were trying to sell the illusion." Michelle nodded.
"You catch on quick." She laughed. "Now, I have more work to get done…go inside and tell the old man that the coast is clear." She turned on her heals and walked off, leaving Abraham to go back to the house alone.
"Asher's back in bed…I assume everything went well?" Solomon asked. Abraham walked inside and flopped down on the couch. Abraham looked to him and then moaned.
"I'm still so new to all of this…it's a lot to take in at once."
"I assume that you saw Asher use his powers?"
"Saw? I fell victim to it." Abraham moaned. Solomon chuckled and smiled.
"Well, no need to worry. I always get lawyers and realtors around here…looking to take this house and sell it." Solomon explained.
"Why though? You still live here."
"My soul does…but my body is currently buried in a local cemetery." Solomon laughed. "I'm afraid that after my death, several people were very interested in purchasing my land and home…but I could never part with it."
"Didn't you leave it to anyone?" Abraham asked. Solomon nodded in reply…but his face seemed to fall a little.
"My son…William." He said. "I left it all to him…but he doesn't know this."
"Why not?" Abraham asked.
"What would you say if your father told you that you had just inherited a house full of misfit monsters who have no home of their own?" Abraham grimaced at the thought.
"Good…point." Abraham said.
"Besides…hopefully I can one day tell him about this place…if I just knew where to find him." Solomon seemed a little distracted at this point. It was like he was talking more to the house that Abraham now. While he didn't want to break the moment…Abraham still wanted to know something…and he had to know it now.
"Solomon, sir…" Abraham muttered, "before that incident outside…you said that the time of day Katie was kidnapped was a clue to her abductors." Solomon nodded darkly and there was a look of anger and concern in his face.
"It's not just a clue boy…it's who they are." He said coldly. "They call themselves the Dawn Bringers. They are an organization of the most efficient and ruthless monster hunters, that have been causing hell for all supernatural creatures for centuries. They use weapons and tactics that we not only fear, but we find to be inhuman! The reason why I said I wasn't sure if her abductors were human is because I'm not sure if they meet that qualification…they're more like monsters themselves." There was a deafening silence that fell over the room as Solomon spoke these words. It was like the warm house suddenly went cold…and that a strange and eerie sadness had over taken them.
"And you think…they took Katie?" Abraham asked.
"Son…I know that they took her."