First three chapters added to test the build.

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Alexey Skobkin 2023-12-22 05:49:25 +03:00
parent b94f7b6915
commit bcf5ed7769
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 5D5CEF6F221278E7
3 changed files with 247 additions and 6 deletions

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# Chapter 1 - test
# Chapter 1
Some text in 1st paragraph.
The sky cried powerful tears over Abraham's head. He pulled his coat over his head and continued to run down the dirt road, which was quickly turning to mud beneath this torn and blood covered sneakers. He had been running for what felt like weeks, but for what only could have been a few days. Nothing looked familiar to him…which is what he wanted. The trees toward over him like great leafy giants, glaring at him…challenging him. Lightning stuck over head, lighting the sky with its deadly and brilliant lights. The thunder clap was like a loud roar, daring him to continue his made race. Nature itself conspired against fought him.
"Go ahead," he growled to himself, "it's not like life's done me any favors before."
The truth was that Abraham Singer had been running for most of his life. He had no home to speak of…and he had no adults to call parents. To the common eye, Abraham Singer was just a simple 15 year old orphan boy. However, it wasn't pity Abraham wanted…nor was it empathy. He simply wanted a home…a place to lay his head. He wanted consistency and he wanted love. But he had never had any of these things. In none of the orphanages or foster homes he had ever had…had he ever felt any love or kindness that came with a real home.
"Still, just about anything would beat this damn storm!" Abraham snarled as he continued to run. He hoped to come across any form of shelter. It would not be the first time he had hidden himself inside an abandoned bear cave, or a hollowed out tree. He just hoped that he would find one before he caught his death of cold. His jacket was soaked over and offered no protection from the bitter chill of the falling water that poured down upon his head.
Second paragraph.
He looked far off to the left to see a large lake beyond the trees…he was close to a body of water. His heart skipped a beat as he took note of this. In a storm like this, the water levels were sure to rise…which meant that he would have to stay upon high ground! Quickly, he turned and started running off the path, towards a more distant area. He knew that it wasn't safe to get too far away from the path, but he had no way of knowing just how high the water might get by the end of this thunderstorm. The fallen leaves on the ground proved to be more slippery and hazardous than the muddy earth he had been sprinting down only moments earlier. He constantly lost his balance and was forced to slow down his pace if he wished to remain standing on his own two feet.
A clap of thunder shattered Abraham's eardrums as he came crashing to his knees with a scream. The roar of the wind overtook him and knocked him backwards down the hill back towards the path he had left. He rolled like a log down a ledge until he finally came to a rest up against a tree. He looked up and tried to climb to his feet…and then he saw it.
"What?!" Up on the other side of the path was a large house! It looked like a log cabin of some kind that stood two stories high and looked big enough to hold at least 3 families in it! What was a house doing in the middle of the woods like this? And why was it so close to the lake that it might get flooded? At the moment, those questions didn't matter to the cold and wet Abraham. He jumped to his tired feet and stumbled across the path to the house. He tripped and slammed against the door. He lay his hands up against the wood and panted heavily…longing for the warmth inside.
"Hello?!" Abraham cried over the wind and rain. He slammed his fist against the door…but there was no answer. "Please, let me in!" Abraham shouted again. "I'm sorry…but I have no where else to go for now." Still no one answered his pleas. Clearly everyone inside must be asleep. However, there was nothing more he could do other than keep trying. "Help me, please! Open the door!"
At long last, the door swung open, and Abraham felt himself slip into the room effortlessly. He ran in and turned and saw an old man standing by the door. He had a frail and wrinkled body with white hair. His body looked very pale and it looked almost sunken in and sick. The man had on an old suit, as if he had never changed into sleeping clothes. He closed the door and turned to face Abraham.
"Are you alright, dear boy?" He asked. Abraham wrapped his arms around himself, trying to warm up his body.
"Sir," he cried through chattering teeth, "I am v-very s-sorry…I d-didn't mean t-to intrude." The man shook his head and waved the apology aside.
"No need to be sorry, lad." He turned and glanced out the window. "That's quite a serious storm going on out there." He then walked past the boy and walked deeper into the house. "So what is a young man like yourself doing so far away from the city?" Abraham followed the man into the house. For a log cabin, the house was very lovely on the inside. It looked well taken care of and the place looked like it was a home for more than just him. However, it was too dark for him to fully appreciate the place.
"I um…I…" Abraham didn't want to tell the truth. He didn't know what the man might do if he knew that the young man he had just accepted into his house was a runaway orphan. "I'm…I'm just…"
"Pardon my rudeness," the man suddenly chuckled, "sometimes I forget myself. I have yet to introduce myself." He turned and held out his hand. "You may call me Solomon…everyone does." Abraham reached out and took Solomon's hand and felt a shiver go down his spine. Solomon's hand was freezing cold…as if it hadn't felt warmth in hours! However, the house felt rather warm…so why was he so cold? Maybe Solomon really was sick?
"I'm Abraham Singer." Abraham replied. Solomon grinned mysteriously.
"Abraham?" He asked in surprise. "Now that is a very strong name." Solomon continued to walk through the house until he came into a large room that appeared to be the living room. There were two couches and an arm chair that all faced a coffee table, placed in front of a fireplace. A large window on the far wall showed the back porch to the house where rain was still falling furiously down. The lake was very visible now, and fortunately it seemed far enough away that it wouldn't reach the house anytime soon.
"Please, boy…call me Solomon. No one has called me sir in a long time." Solomon interrupted him.
"Okay…Solomon…what is this place?" Solomon stopped and looked at Abraham suspiciously.
"Why…it's my home boy. It's been my home since my childhood…" He then looked up at the ceiling, as if thinking far back into the past. "My God…it feels like an eternity ago."
"Does anyone else live here?" Abraham asked. Solomon nodded.
"Oh yes…it is home to five other young people."
"Your children?" Abraham asked. Solomon let out a laugh that sounded both humorous…and somehow hollow.
"Oh no, dear boy…not my children. They, like you came here seeking shelter from a storm…but a storm of a different sort." He turned back to face Abraham. "If you stay the night…you might meet them." Abraham suddenly looked up at the stairs in front of him…leading into a very dark and creepy part of the house. It seemed to lead into the second floor, and the dark corridor looked far too frightening.
"Actually, maybe it is best that I move on." Abraham muttered. Solomon shook his head again and smiled.
"Oh dear, no! That storm is far to wretched for one as young as you to hope to last! I insist that you stay tonight." Abraham glanced again out the large window to see a tree bending under the weight of the wind…and he knew that he had no other alternative.
"Alright…I'll stay." Solomon clapped his hands together happily.
"Wonderful!" He stepped towards the stairs and indicated the corridor at the top. "Now, most of the others are asleep right now…(I doubt even Asher would want to be out and about in this weather) you will need to be as quiet as possible. Make your way down to the far end of the hall…you can sleep in my room tonight." Abraham suddenly paused.
"No sir, I couldn't!" Abraham whispered. "I don't wish to take your room." Solomon smiled kindly.
"No need to worry, son…I haven't slept in that room for years." Abraham stared at him curiously.
"Why haven't you-"
"It's getting late, isn't it?" Solomon asked quickly. "I suggest heading on up. Remember, go to the far end of the hallway on your right. I'll have Michelle wake you in the morning."
"Don't worry, you'll meet her soon enough…no off to bed with you. Just call if you need anything."
Abraham made his way carefully upstairs, but the coldness of the second floor was quite unnerving. It got steadily darker, and without the guidance of Solomon, he felt almost lost! He silently moved to the corridor and looked around.
"Which way was it?" He asked. The hallway was full of doors…and at the far end of each side there were doors. One was the old man, Solomons…and the other probably belonged to someone else living here. "I think he said it was left…" Abraham turned to his left and walked down toward the far door. He reached out and touched the handled, pushing it open with a creak. The inside was dark and dank…it almost felt moist…was the roof leaking in here? He took a step in and felt carpet beneath his feet. His heart was pounding like a drum. He raised his other foot and….
"OW!" Abraham cried. His foot hadn't budged an inch! It was rooted to the floor! He had stumbled and landed on his face! As he did, he tried to raise himself up…but found that his upper body was now stuck like his feet were! He looked down at the carpet....only to find that it wasn't what he was expecting. It wasn't carpet covering the floor…it was…
"Spider webs?!" Abraham gasped. Indeed, the entire floor was covered with webbing! As he looked around the walls, he saw that cobwebs hung from the ceilings, window, walls…and even the bed was laced in one giant and very complex web! He struggled against the bonds of the web, but his resistance was futile!
"What the hell?! Let me go!" The more he fought, the more trapped he became! Like a fly stuck in a web, Abraham's body was becoming covered in the silky prison! Soon he couldn't even move…he could barely squirm anymore! He started to call out…to plea for Solomon to come and help him…when suddenly he heard something stirring.
"Is someone there?!" Joy came to Abrahams pounding heart. It was the voice of a young girl! She sounded only 17 or so! She must have heard Abraham struggling and come to get him! He heard the clicking of what he could only guess being high heeled shoes. "Who is it?" Suddenly the movement stopped and Abraham could feel the presence of someone in the room.
"Help!" Abraham cried desperately. There was a gasp and Abraham looked up through the inky darkness to see a girl appear above him. She had long silvery hair that fell down to her back. It was too dark to make out her face, but he could tell that she was a very thin and very young girl.
"Oh my goodness, who are you!?" She cried.
"It's…a long story." Abraham chuckled. "Could you please get me out of here?" The girl nodded.
"Certainly, certainly!" She knelt down and began pulling the webbing off of him, muttering to herself. "I wish Solomon had told us we were having company…I would have tided up my room a bit!"
"This is your room?!" Abraham asked in shock. "How can you live like this?!" He leaped to his feet, now free of the webs and turned to find a light switch.
"Oh, I know…it must look awful right now. I have just grown so slack with my decorating. You should have seen this room when I first moved in…webs covered every inch of the room!"
"But why would you want webs to-" Abraham flipped the lightswitch…and got his answer.
The room was bathed in spiderwebs! The webs were enormous, as if an army of spiders had built them! Webs hung from ceilings and cabinets and closets! The window was coated with them and the floor was covered so thick with webs that it looked like a silk carpet! There was not bed in the room at all, but just a giant portion of webbing that looked like a pad or hollow of sorts…and then he looked at the girl herself…and he felt his heart stop!
From head to waist she looked like a normal girl. Her hair was long and silvery and her body was a nice peach color. Her arms were nice and dainty and she had her hair pulled back in a braid. It was the rest of her that caused concern! Her eyes were a deep ruby red and they had no pupils, and her mouth was smiling…a pair of sharp teeth behind her lips. However, what terrified him most of all was that, from the waist down…was a giant, black, spider abdomen, complete with 8, long, spiny legs! Her abdomen was as long as her body and twice as thick! She was a terrifying sight to behold! How could such a lovely young girl's upper torso be glued to such a monstrous lower half!? It was horrifying! He stared at her bug eyed…unsure whether to faint or run for his very life.
"Oh my goodness, you're soaked to the bone!" the spider girl cried. "Don't tell me you were out in that rainstorm!?" Abraham couldn't believe what he was looking at…this girl seemed totally unaware of what she was! "Oh you poor thing!" She scurried over, her long legs moving fast and gracefully towards him. She started to embrace him in a hug, but Abraham leaped away, fast.
"STAY BACK!" Abraham cried. The creature looked surprised and then she laughed.
"Oh dear, of course!" She giggled and stepped back apologetically. "You don't even know me…I wouldn't want to hug a complete stranger!" She smiled and held out her hand to the terrified boy. "My name is Sarah! It's nice to meet you." Abraham backed away from Sarah's hand as if it was a poisonous spider…which it may well have been.
"I…I…I gotta go!" Abraham spun around and darted out the door…only to run head long into Solomon!
"Whoa!" Abraham tried to catch himself before he hit Solomon, but he couldn't stop himself in time. He closed his eyes tightly, preparing for the impact….that never came!! Abraham flew through the air and landed on his face against the hard wood floor. He sat in horror and amazement as he spun around to face Solomon. He was looking down at him…unmoving and rather sad. Behind him was the wide-eyed and worried Sarah.
"I told you that my room was to the right, boy." Solomon said sadly. "Now you've gone and seen a lot more than I expected you to see tonight."
"What the hell is going on here!?" Abraham screamed. "I should have run head long into you, old man…but I passed right through you! And then that girl…that…THING is half spider, and half girl."
"Dridder." Solomon corrected him quietly.
"What?!" Abraham bellowed.
"She is a dridder…not a thing."
"What ever you call it, it still isn't normal!? What the hell is this place!?" Abraham roared. Solomon sighed and stood up straight…and suddenly, due to the light filtering in from Sarah's room, Abraham could see that Solomon wasn't a solid body…but a specter! Abraham could see right through his body!!! "You're…you're a…"
"I am Solomon…or rather the ghost of Solomon to be precise. I have been dead for 40 years…and I have guarded and tended to this house ever since." He stepped forward and stood over Abraham with a terrifying authority.
"So…this place…it's full of…"
"This is a home for monsters who have no home of their own." Solomon stated forcefully. He spoke as if he was a business man explaining the terms of an agreement or contract. He leaned close to Abrahams terrified and pale face…his pale eyes boring into his. "Welcome to the Monster Club, human."

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# Chapter 2 - test2
# Chapter 2
Some text in 1st paragraph of 2nd chapter.
"Monster Club?!" Abraham cried in stunned amazement. "You mean…like a school club or something?" Solomon laughed.
"Don't be so daft, boy…it's just a name." Solomon walked towards the stairs and made his way down. Abraham followed close behind him as they walked through the still dark house. The rain outside was still pouring heavily, but the lightning and thunder seemed to have died down considerably. "What we really are is a safe haven. We provide a home for monsters who have none. Currently we have 5 monsters that reside here…and you will get to meet each and every one of them." Abraham felt his heart skip a beat. Would he really have to face all of these monsters? What would they be like?
Second paragraph.
"Would either of you like some tea?" Abraham turned to see Sarah scuttling behind them. She was tying a white apron behind her back and tying her hair back with a red ribbon. If she didn't have those spider legs and abdomen…she'd be a very beautiful young woman.
"Sarah, you know that I haven't had anything to eat or drink in 40 years." Sarah grinned and winked to the far corner.
"Actually, Solomon…I wasn't talking to you." Abraham and Solomon both turned to see another girl standing in the corner. She was about as tall as Abraham but she looked slightly older. She had reddish brown hair that fell down to her shoulders and she had eyes like nothing Abraham had ever seen. They were misty and faded blue…like a husky dog. There was a hidden wildness beneath her…it was etched across her face. Her body was lean and it looked very tired. Her muscles were well defined and she looked almost cute in her pajamas. It was an interesting combination of beauty and wildness.
"Ah, Michelle…I didn't hear you come in." Solomon said with a grin. Michelle didn't return the smile but kept her blue eyes trained on Abraham. "I thought that you'd be asleep."
"I smelled a human in the house…so I came down to investigate." Michelle growled. Solomon sighed and turned to Abraham.
"Michelle is a werewolf," he explained, "she has heightened senses of smell, hearing, and sight even while in her human form."
"Do you just go around sharing our secrets now, old man?" Michelle barked fiercely. Solomon ignored her outburst and continued to face Abraham.
"You'll have to excuse her attitude…it's only two days before the next full moon, and she is going through a bit of stress right now." Michelle made a move toward Solomon, but then stopped herself and snarled dangerously. Abraham knew it was not polite to stare…especially at a monster…but he couldn't help but gawk in awe as he heard the news that Michelle was a real werewolf.
"You're…really a werewolf?!" Abraham cried. Michelle shot him a venomous look.
"And what if I am, human?" She snapped. "Going to find yourself some silver to put through my heart, perhaps?" Abraham suddenly went very quiet and shook his head.
"No…no of course not."
"Michelle, be nice please!" Sarah called out. She was moving around behind the counter, pulling down cups and tea leaves. "He's a guest in our house, after all."
"HE SHOULDN'T BE HERE AT ALL!!" Michelle roared, causing Abraham to jump backwards in surprise. Solomon just closed his eyes and groaned. "It's because of humans that we made this club in the first place! Now we just let them walk in any time they want to?"
"It was the storm, dear." Solomon said calmly. "He needed shelter, and I gave it to him…just like I have done for each and every one of you here." As he spoke, an odd quiet fell over the room. Sarah stopped moving and her smile fell to a frown as she stared at the tea in front of her. Michelle just stared at her feet…unwilling to look up.
"Mmmm" The room spun around at the sound of the groaning…and Abraham let out a cry of fright. Descending down the stairs was what could only be surmised as a walking and moving mummy! Wrapped from head to toe in bandages and wrappings, it moved stiffly…but all the same, it was moving rather quickly. It walked with such a natural pace, it looked nothing like they said it would in the movies. In fact…he looked rather small for what Abraham thought a mummy should look like.
"Tamil!" Sarah cried happily. "You're up awful early today." Tamil turned to face Abraham…making Abraham want to back away from him that much quicker. Michelle only snorted.
"He's terrified." Michelle pointed out. Tamil took a step closer to Abraham and held out its long and bandaged hand. Abraham jumped back from it in horror. Tamil stopped and looked in Sarah's direction. Sarah giggled.
"You silly…it's only polite to look someone in the face when you shake their hand, Tamil!" Suddenly Tamil reached up and began to remove the bandages around his head. As he did, Abraham wasn't sure whether he wanted to look away…or watch and see what emerged. He expected perhaps a skeleton…or maybe a worn and withered corpse….
He got neither.
The wrapping had been mostly removed with the exception of one solitary bandage looping over his face at a diagonal angel going down from the top left side of his head down, over his nose, and looping around the right bottom half of his head, just under his cheek. His hair was wild, dirty, and black. His skin was dark tan and there were parts that looked a little worn or weak. His eyes were a deep dark color that Abraham couldn't place. It looked almost black….but maybe dark brown. Tamil smiled a small and innocent smile. He reached out his hand once again.
"….Ahela!" Tamil said in a very tired and froggy accent. Abraham stared at the hand and didn't quite no what to do with it.
"He doesn't speak Egyptian, Tamil." Solomon said jokingly. Tamil suddenly smiled sheepishly."
"Sorry…I nut used to your language yet." Abraham carefully took Tamil's hand and shook it, letting go quickly. Tamil didn't seem offended by his fear. "My name Tamil."
"….A-Abraham." Abraham answered nervously. Tamil grinned.
"Tamil here is a mummy," Solomon said to Abraham, "he was one of the most recent to ever come to the house…the first being Michelle herself." Michelle grunted and sat down at the table. Sarah came out from behind the counter and handed a cup of tea to both Michelle and Abraham. Abraham took it politely, but was too nervous to take a drink. He was standing in a room with a spider woman…a ghost…a werewolf…and a mummy. What kind of nightmare was this?
"Tamil, you haven't seen Asher or Calypso, have you?" Sarah asked excitedly. "I want them to meet our new guest!"
"No need to worry yourself, Sarah…we're here."
Abraham spun to back to the stairs were two figures had walked down and had entered the kitchen. One was a young girl with long silvery blue hair and blue tinted skin. Her body was covered in strange and cryptic markings. Her feet were bare and her clothing was very light. She had on a white tank top and a black skirt. She had silver eyes that looked almost mystifying! He felt lost in them…like they were designed to pull people in. She looked exotic in a gorgeous way.
Next to her was a tall and dark boy. He had black hair that was combed back, with small bangs hanging slightly above his eyes. He had broad shoulders and a very well built body. He wore a leather jacket and he had on a dark shirt underneath it with an emblem of a cross on it. He wore jeans and boots that looked a little dirty. His eyes, were what terrified him the most though. They were dark red and so very human…and yet…inhuman. There was a depth to them…a hunger. This was a person that Abraham knew was extremely powerful.
Sarah squealed at the sight of them and scuttled out to place her hands on Abrahams shoulders. "Come and meet out new house guest! This is Abraham!" The red eyed young man looked at Abraham and then his eyes narrowed.
"You're a human!" He said suspiciously. As he spoke these words, Tamil and the girl next to him both stopped and stared at Abraham with the same awestruck expression that he should have been giving all of them. Tamil clearly didn't realize that Abraham had been human. The girl next to the red eyed boy looked surprised and stepped away quickly, placing herself up against the boy. His red eyes had narrowed and were glaring at the boy. "What are you doing here, human?!"
"I…I uh…I…"
"He is our guest, Asher." Michelle took a step forward. Asher looked up at Michelle and frowned.
"A guest?" The girl asked. Michelle nodded.
"Yes, Calypso." She replied. "I don't like it much myself…and I still have plenty of questions that I want answered…but for the time being, this human is a guest in our house. Michelle turned to Abraham and pointed to the table. "Please take a seat, boy." Abraham hesitated, but the look in Michelles blue eyes told him that resisting was not a wise move. He quickly moved to the table and sat down in one of the chairs, trying hard not to look as scared as he felt. Michelle motioned for the other monsters to gather around her, which they all did obediently. Soon, all eyes were on Abraham.
"Abraham, meet the Monster Club." Michelle said. She walked to one monster and, as she spoke moved to each one individually. "Tamil, Sarah, Calypso, Asher, Solomon, and myself." She walked forward and stood in front of Abraham dangerously. "This is a club has one purpose…to protect and shelter monsters who have no where else to go or live…because of humans who have hunted us and drove us away." Abraham suddenly understood why it was that him being human was such a big deal…and why everyone seemed so threatening towards him.
"I…honestly didn't know." Abraham said.
"We'd like to believe you…but we can't take any chances." Michelle knelt down so that she was eye level with Abraham. "I need to know why you're here…where you are from…and what your intentions are." Abraham stopped and stared at her…and then at all the monsters around her, who stared at him curiously and expectantly.
"That…that's private." Abraham muttered darkly, not willing to give away his origins. Michelle's strong fingers suddenly grabbed his chin and yanked his head to look at her.
"You have intruded upon OUR house and invaded OUR privacy, and you expect me to give a DAMN about yours?!" She let go of Abrahams head and he let it hang…as she had just made a strong and very compelling point. "You will tell us those three things…or Asher will take them from you by force." Asher took a threatening step forward, and his eyes flashed again with that hungry red glow. Abraham gulped and tried to look away…and not think about those eyes.
"I'm here because I'm on the run right now." Abraham answered solemnly.
"From who, exactly?" Michelle pressed.
"Everyone…no one…I don't know anymore." Abraham admitted. "I've been from foster home to foster home…moving from orphanage to orphanage. I guess I'm just on the run from those places." Michelle gave him a curious look.
"Foster homes? Orphanages? What were you doing there?"
"My mom and dad died in a car crash 6 years ago." Abraham replied darkly. Michelle responded as if she had been slapped in the face. She backed away slightly and looked at the ground solemnly….ashamed of her question. The entire room seemed to darken as everyone in the house suddenly seemed downcast…as if they understood the kind of situation Abraham was in.
"I…apologize. I didn't mean to open old wounds." Michelle muttered. Abraham shrugged off the apology.
"It's okay…I hardly remember what they look like anyway…it's been a long time."
"The face of a mother and father…not something that ever should be forgotten." Tamil replied sadly. Abraham cocked his to see Tamil's face better. The other monsters looked saddened…but Tamil looked positively depressed…why?
"So, what do you plan to do now, Abraham?" Solomon spoke up. He had been standing silently to the side, watching the scene unfold before him. The entire room now glanced at Abraham, waiting for his answer. Abraham looked down and considered the question carefully. He had not thought about his next move. To be honest, he never considered it in the past either. Abraham had always been a responsive person…not a planner. Abraham didn't act until forced to…and he often did things on the spur of the moment. He didn't know where he was going to go when he ran away…he didn't know what he would do with himself. The thought had just not come to him. If it had, then he had not paid it any attention.
"I am not sure." Abraham admitted. "I guess I'll stay here over night and then leave tomorrow when the rain stops. I'll go to the nearest city and…find a place to stay there."
"No!" All eyes spun to look at Sarah. Sarah was standing fiercely, staring at all of the others, through her red eyes. She had a determined look on her face. "No one deserves to live on the run their whole life…everyone needs a home." She marched forward on her 8 long legs and placed her hand on Abrahams hair protectively. "He can live here with us!"
This statement drove a different response from the group than Abraham had anticipated. Solomon simply smirked at Sarah, as she spoke these words. Michelle's mouth dropped in stunned amazement…as if she had just heard something appauling. Tamil jumped back in shock. Asher gave a surprised stare at Sarah, and then to Abraham. His eyes seemed to be trying to process the concept of keeping Abraham in the house. Calypso let out a small squeak of shock and covered her mouth with both hands.
"Sarah, do you realize what you're saying!?" Michelle hissed.
"Yes, I do!" Sarah defended. "And why shouldn't we take him in? He's like us! We needed a home…and Solomon gave us one!"
"This is different…HE is different!" Michelle shouted.
"I don't know…" Calypso spoke up softly. Her voice was so small and soft that Abraham had almost missed it. "It….might be kind of nice having someone else around." Michelle turned and waved a finger at Calypso.
"Don't encourage her!"
"I'm sorry." Calypso said quickly, backing away. Michelle turned back to Sarah.
"Think long and hard about what keeping a human around here would mean!" Michelle barked.
"I think e should ztay!" Tamil said quickly. All eyes turned to Tamil as he fiddled with the bandages on his arm. "If e ztayz…then would be anoter boy in house!" Tamil said with a laugh. Sarah and Solomon both cackled with laughter. Michelle just groaned under her breathe.
"That's beside the point, and you know it." Michelle groaned.
"Asher," Solomon spoke up. The house went quiet as they turned to stare at Asher, who was standing silently by the counter. "You've been awful quiet…would you like to contribute?" Asher glanced from Michelle to Abraham. He stared at Abraham long and hard…as if his red eyes were trying to see into Abraham's soul.
"I think he should stay." The house seemed stunned by his answer. Michelle turned and tapped her foot.
"You, more than anyone, know how risky such an act would be…why do you think he should stay?" Asher sighed and looked around the room, knowing that he had no choice but to explain.
"For one thing…everyone else seems to want him to stay." Asher pointed out. "Second of all…we created this club as a safe haven for monsters who have no homes…or have been cast away by humans. If we turn away anyone simply because they are different from us…that makes us no better than the ones who wronged us." The group all smiled at Asher's answer…and Abraham was shocked at the way that Asher had answered. He thought for sure that Asher must hate him…but in the end, he had saved him. Michelle frowned and then closed her eyes, letting all the arguments she had heard sink in.
"It seems that the decision has been made for me." Michelle said. Sarah squealed with delight and hugged Abrahams, neck, making him squirm a little….Abraham noticed the rest of the house was snickering at him.
"D'you hear that, Abraham!?" Sarah cried. "You get to stay! This is your new home!" Abraham didn't know what to say. A new home? A home was all he really wanted…a home where people cared about him and where people loved him. Here was a house full of some of the most terrifying and strange monsters and creatures he had ever seen or heard of. This wasn't the kind of place he would call home….but then he thought about all he had seen. How the housemates had all stepped forward on his behalf…how they had all defended him. They truly cared…and they truly wanted him to stay. What was it he wanted? Was it a home of normalcy, or a home of caring?
"I guess I could use a bit of something new." Abraham whispered to himself with a shrug.

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# Chapter 3
"Alright, well we've done enough standing around." Solomon said firmly. "The sun will be coming up soon and we have work to do." The house suddenly seemed to come alive as everyone started rushing off to different locations. The only one who seemed to remain behind was Asher. Abraham watched them all go and looked back at Solomon and Asher.
"Where is everyone going?" Abraham asked.
"To do their jobs." Solomon explained. "This house is not just my home anymore…it's theirs as well. As residence here, they have to do their part to take care of the house. Just because it's a haunted house doesn't mean it needs to look like one." Abraham smiled and nodded. It made sense in a strange sense. They were monsters…but that didn't necessarily mean that they enjoyed the unpleasant and ugly." Solomon pointed outside and indicated the lake and backyard. "Some of them do yard work…like Tamil. Others do work to benefit the rest of us like Sarah…and others, like Asher here do what they can to keep the house safe."
"So what do you do?" Abraham asked. Solomon shook his head sadly.
"My soul is bound to this house…it's where I will spend the rest of my time on this earth. If anything ever happened to it, my spirit couldn't stay connected. So my job is simply to keep this house safe and standing. I spread rumors that this house is haunted to keep pestering people away from it." Solomon placed his hand on the wall and ran his fingers along it tenderly. "It's all that I really can do after all." Abraham cocked his head to the side in confusion. Noticing his expression, Solomon laughed.
"Okay, time for your first lesson about monsters." Solomon sat down on the table and sighed. "Ghosts are the souls of human beings who either had a strong connection to his mortal world, or had some form of unfinished or unresolved business." Abraham suddenly gasped in understanding.
"Oh! So this house is your connection!" Solomon nodded kindly. He then turned to Asher…his face going slightly dark.
"Asher, I assume that you've been out the last few nights." He asked. Asher nodded darkly, not saying a word. Solomon sighed in frustration. "That was foolish of you, boy…you should have come back sooner…I mean…with a storm like that…"
"Sorry." Asher muttered. Solomon waved the apology aside.
"And what did you find?" Asher's face fell and he couldn't look Solomon in the eyes.
"The storm was too strong…I lost her trail." Solomon sighed again and shook his head. Abraham felt incredibly lost.
"Who are you looking for?" He asked. Solomon and Asher turned to look at him as if just noticing him.
"It's nothing to worry about, Abraham." Solomon said warmly, trying to pretend like nothing had been said. "Anyway, I'm sure you must be tired…why don't you let Asher show you to your room so that you can get some rest?"
"No, I'm fine!" Abraham said quickly. The truth was that with all that had happened, he was beyond exhausted…but he was so anxious to learn more and find out more about this new family of his, that he couldn't help but want to stay up and see more. "If everyone else here has a job, then give me one as well…I'll help in any way I can." Solomon looked Abraham over and grinned.
"Well, I still say you need your rest, but if you insist…I won't stop you." He stood up and looked up the stairs. "First, I want you to go up with Asher so he can show you your room and get you situated…while you do that, I'll start thinking about what you can do." Abraham smiled nervously and turned to Asher. Asher nodded and started walking up the stairs.
"Come with me." Asher said calmly. Abraham turned and took off after Asher who was moving up the stairs steadily.
"Asher!" Asher stopped and turned to face Solomon, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at him with understanding and reassuring eyes. "Get some rest…I know you're doing everything you can." Asher nodded, but he didn't smile back. Instead he turned and kept marching up the stairs with Abraham close on his heels.
"Sorry that we haven't been formally introduced," Asher said, turning to shake his hand, "names Asher." Abraham took his hand and shook it kindly. Abraham followed him up to the top of the stairs as Asher turned to point to the far door to the right. "That door over there is your room. It's big enough…and I'm sure that you'll find it very roomy. If you need anything just give a shout." Abraham nodded, but there was something eating at his mind. Something he was dying to know.
"Um, can I ask you a question?" Asher suddenly smirked and gave a friendly grin.
"Don't worry, I won't feed on you, while you're here." Abrahams eyes widened.
"Wait…you're a vampire?!" Asher smiled, and Abraham suddenly noticed a pair of extremely sharp and pointed canine teeth in Asher's mouth.
"You catch on quick." Asher said with a chuckle. "Yes, I'm a vampire. Also, the sun is coming up…and I need to get some shut eye." Abraham suddenly took a step forward.
"Wait!" Abraham said. "I have more questions." Asher sighed and gave Abraham a tired glare.
"You'll be staying here for a while…we have a long time to get to know one another….but I suppose I can answer two more questions. Make them quick please." Abraham stopped and thought his next few words over carefully. It's not very often that one can have an interview with an actual vampire…and here he was, able to speak to one face to face.
"Who is it that you're looking for?" Abraham asked quickly. Asher gave a dark look to Abraham and looked away.
"A friend." Asher muttered. "I'd rather not talk about it." Abraham instantly regretted the question. "And your last question?" Abraham looked carefully at Asher and then noticed something odd around his neck…a very strange necklace…especially considering who was wearing it.
"You're a vampire," he said carefully, "so why are you wearing that cross necklace?" Asher looked down and stared at the small cross around his neck. "I thought that crosses repelled vampires." Asher grinned and touched the cross.
"They do." Asher said mysteriously, "but this was a gift to me from my mother…I've been wearing it since before I became a vampire…so I've built up a resistance to the cross. I'm the world's only Christian vampire." He then opened up a door across from the stairs and waved Abraham towards his room. Before he did though he turned to the other end of the hall.
"Hey, Sarah!" From her room, Sarah's head came poking out from behind her door. She gave a big smile and waved.
"Yes, Asher?" She asked.
"Would you help Abraham here get settled in his new room? I'm exhausted." Sarah placed her hands on her hips and gave Asher a very accusing glance.
"Well no wonder," she laughed, "the sun is coming up…you should have been in bed an hour ago! I'll take care of Abraham, you get some rest." Asher chuckled and winked at Abraham.
"You're in good hands kid." He then walked into his room and closed the door. As he did, Sarah came scuttling out on her long 8 legs and quickly walked past Abraham towards the room. She opened up the door to show Abraham the inside. The bed was enormous…probably a kingsized. There was more than enough room for him. A large window to the far side of the room allowed light to poor in. There was a dresser next to the door that was covered in dust, as if it had never been used. It was a very impressive room.
"This is your room." Sarah explained. "It was Solomons before he died…after that he gave it to Katie and…." At the mention of that name, Sarah's face suddenly fell and she went silent.
"Katie?" Abraham asked. Suddenly it clicked…he had put it together! "That's who Asher's been looking for, isn't it?!" Sarah didn't look up at Abraham, but she nodded her head yes. "Who was she…or…what was she?"
"She was a friend…" Sarah said. "About a week ago…they took her." As she said these words, a chill seemed to run through her. She wrapped her arms around herself and turned away, as if afraid.
"Who took her?" Abraham asked. Sarah shook her head in response…unwilling to say anything else.
"Anyway," Sarah said, trying to force a smile, "is there anything else I can get you for your room? Anything at all?" Abraham shook his head.
"No…but can I ask you a question?" Sarah nodded hesitantly. Abraham wanted to know more about this Katie person…but he knew that Sarah probably didn't want to continue discussing this subject.
"Um…what's your job around here?" Abraham asked, trying to change the subject. Sarah brightened up at the question.
"Oh, I make money for us!" She grinned and folded her arms. "I use my silk to sew and make clothing…I then give my clothing to Michelle to sell to local stores." She then looked at Abraham and began picking at his jacket and shirt. "I think I better make you some new threads!" She cried. Abraham blushed and shook his head.
"No, that's not necessary!" Before he could stop her, Sarah had pulled out some measuring tape and was measuring Abraham's arms and body length.
"Hold still, I need to get your measurements." Abraham quickly learned that Sarah's legs could be used for more than just walking! As her arms were holding the measuring tape, her front two legs would pull on the bottom of his jacket to stretch it out and give her a more accurate measurement. Her hind legs had reached up behind her abdomen and were extracting a long thread of silk from the rear end. The silk was pure white and it looked moist. She picked it up and held it out just like she had done the measuring tape. "Right…this should do." She then smiled and stepped back towards the door. "I'll get started right away." Abraham nodded in defeat, knowing that she would make him a new outfit, whether he wanted her too or not.
"Thanks, Sarah." He said. Sarah beamed and then hurried out the door. Abraham turned back to look at his room. Questions were still filling his mind. He couldn't help but wonder what on earth could have happened to this Katie person that would cause Sarah and Asher so much distress. Who was she? Who had taken her? So many thoughts and puzzles floated around in his head. However, he knew that the only way to get any answers, was to keep digging…and he needed to find some work to do around the house. Without a word, he ran out of his room, down the steps and into the kitchen to find Solomon.
"What do you think about your new room?" Solomon asked. Abraham smiled back.
"It's very nice…I really like it." Solomon nodded.
"I had a feeling that you would…now, what brings you down here?"
"I want to help out." Abraham reminded him. Solomon grinned and looked at him carefully.
"Anything specific you want to do, kid?" Abraham shrugged.
"Well, I guess I could help the others with their jobs…I could always help dust around the house…or maybe pull weeds…or…" Abraham saw his chance…and he took it, "…I could help find Katie." At the mention of her name, a shadow passed over Solomons face as he glanced up at Abraham dangerously.
"How do you know about her?!" Abraham backed away cautiously, realizing he was on thin ice now.
"I just…heard her name mentioned somewhere." Solomon grunted disapprovingly.
"Sarah, then?" He growled. It was clear that there was no hiding anything from the old ghost. Abraham built up his courage and pressed again.
"What happened to her?" Solomon gave him a very cold glare and then looked down.
"We don't know." Solomon admitted. "She went missing about a week ago. I'm sure you've pieced together that she was one of us…so her going missing was quite a hard blow to all of us."
"Sarah said that someone took her." Solomon shook his head.
"We have no proof of that…but yes, I believe that Sarah is correct. They did take her." Solomon felt his heart pound faster. He moved closer and pressed a little harder.
"Who are they? Why did they take her?" Abraham demanded.
"ENOUGH!" Solomon barked. Abraham backed away from him…he'd gone too far. The old ghost looked furious…but it wasn't an anger behind his eyes but an intense sadness…a look of hopelessness.
"Abraham, listen to me carefully," Solomon said quietly. "people will always fear things that they don't understand. People like us, what humans would dub as monsters or creatures, will never be understood and probably never be accepted. And when humans fear something…there will be certain humans who will do everything in their power to destroy it."
"So…you think humans came for Katie?" Solomon shook his head.
"It's not that simple, I'm afraid…if it were just humans, then Katie could have taken care of herself. I believe it was…something worse." Solomon's voice sounded unbelievably sad…and hurt as he spoke.
"What do you think it was?" Abraham asked. "Whatever it was, you clearly think that she's alive…otherwise you wouldn't be trying so hard to find her!" Abraham stood up and tried to look brave. "I'll help you find her!" Solomon gave a weak grin.
"You're very brave boy…and I appreciate it. But this enemy is not one that you can face. Leave that business to Asher…if anyone can find Katie, then he can." Abraham opened his mouth to protest, but Solomon held up his hand. "This conversation is over." He said firmly. "I want you to go out and find Calypso by the lake…I believe that she could use your help…now go please." Abraham bowed his head, knowing that he was beat and walked toward the porch door.
"And, Abraham!" Abraham turned to face Solomon, who was staring at him with a very serious gaze. "This business about Katie ends here…please don't bring it up again." Abraham nodded obediently and walked out the door. However, he knew deep down that this was far from over. He was going to find out more about this, but for now he would let his questions rest, as he looked outside to see the lake.
With the rain finally passed, the grass and grounds looked extremely lovely. There was a misty feeling about the area and the trees dripped water delicately. The lake looked slightly larger now and the air was clear. The leaves on the ground were gorgeous as their soaked frames carpeted the earth. The sight of birds in the sky, calling after the storm was a welcome sight. Abraham pulled himself together and ran down to the grass. As he rushed to the lake, he saw a figure sitting on a rock just next to the water. He recognized her silvery blue hair and tinted blue skin. Her legs swung back and forth merrily as she fiddled with something in her hands. He walked quietly over to her until he was a few yards away.
"Hey, Calypso?" The reaction that he got was not what he expected.
"Eek!" Calypso suddenly dropped what she was holding to the ground in fright and lost her balance on the rock, tumbling backwards into the lake water with a loud splash. Abraham had to keep himself from laughing at her clumsiness.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Abraham laughed. Calypos looked around nervously and when her eyes fell on Abraham she backed away quickly.
"I wasn't making anything for Asher! I wasn't doing anything, I swear! I'm just…just…uh…" Abraham couldn't help himself and burst out laughing.
"Hey, calm down!" He laughed. "I was just coming to say hello." He looked down to see the object that she had dropped. He carefully picked it up and rubbed the mud and dirt off of it. It was some kind of very fancy bracelet! It looked like it was made of small red shells, seeds, and stones. The design was very pretty and really well done. He walked over and held out his hand for her to take so he could pull her back to her feet. "Here, let me help you." Just as he did, he saw something sweeping out of the water up and down. He looked at it…and gasped.
Stretching all the way from Calypso's waste line down, where her legs should have been, was a long and beautiful fish tale! Elegant and gorgeous, the scales on it reflected the light of the sun and made her look as if she was dazzling or glowing. Abraham backed away in stunned amazement.
"You're…you're a…"
"A what?" Calypso asked.
"You're a mermaid!?" Abraham cried.