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# Part 13
The truck ride to the camp was long…bumpy…and it left Blue feeling weak. However, what really played on her heart was the entire courtroom scene. She had sat through each miserable portion of that trial, hoping that by the end theyd walk away together and happy. They were together now, true. Alpha in the front, driving the truck to camp, with Charlie asleep in the back, sucking her thumb childishly, and with Delta and Echo waiting for them. But she couldnt say she was happy.
That prosecutor…the things hed said had her on edge. Every word had been poison. But what hurt worse was when hed questioned Alpha…and his answer. She wanted to believe it was a lie. An act. There was no way Owen actually…didnt care about them.
“Youve been quiet, Blue. You okay?” Owen asked, glancing back. Blue nodded.
“Alls well.”
“I doubt it. Do you…wanna talk about it?” Blue didnt answer at first. She stared down at her feet silently until finally giving a long sigh.
“Owen is fine, Blue.”
“The things you said…the stuff that happened at the trial…”
“I told you, I had to say what was necessary to help you girls.” Owen assured her.
“I know. You said that. But…I want to know is…how do you really feel about us?” Blue asked. Owen stiffened some at the question. “You took us under your wing only about a year or two ago…and youve been good to us. I trust you with my life, sir. I always have…but…if you dont see us as weapons…do you only see us as soldiers or…” Owen didnt answer at first. He just kept staring ahead, not flinching…not speaking. Blue hung her head darkly and sighed.
“Sorry…that was inappropriate and I-”
“The Navy asked me to work with you girls because I used to train dogs when I was a cop with the LAPD. They thought those skills were sufficient for training you.” Owen finally answered. “To the Navy, at the time, you were nothing but dogs…animals to be trained for war function. Hoskins was the officer who was meant to oversee the whole project…my liaison with the island that bred you and the Navy. He commissioned your training…hes the reason your with me now.”
“We were…just animals?” Blue hissed, her fists clenching tightly.
“Thats what I was told. That I was being reassigned to work with an experimental case to see if liminal soldiers could be used in combat situations. They even gave me tools and gear for the express purpose of handling you. Reigns, collars, and even tasers.” Owen admitted darkly.
“Of course I never planned to use them. From the minute I met you girls, I knew you werent animals…you werent dogs.” Owen snapped, interrupting Blue mid rant. “That trial was bound to happen…it was inevitable. The incident on the island was just an excuse to kickstart it early, but regardless of WHEN…it was bound to happen at some point.”
“But why?” Blue asked desperately. “Thats what I dont understand. Why put us through that?”
“Because the world doesnt understand you girls yet…or any of the liminials.” Owen replied darkly. “There are those who think youre real autonomous people with your own rights and sentience, like Hammond and myself. And then theres people like Hoshkins, who see all of you as…well…animals with humanoid appearances.”
“Its disgusting…its…its like when we were…” She started to think of the island…how the scientists and doctors had watched them. How theyd stood idly by when Echo challenged Blue for leadership. How they had been more interested in the symptoms of Charlies flu than actually treating it. How they had watched them eat, sleep, and even pee while just chatting away and talking like they couldnt be heard or understood. And of course…there were others too. Other liminals on the island that she would occasionally scream or roar or cry out in the dark…but she would never be able to find them beyond her paddock. All of them…like her and her sisters…treated like lab rats. Testing lizards. She cringed and tried hard to bite back tears.
“The island…” Owen sighed darkly, “…I cant say there are many people in this world who will see you any differently than the way those lab folks saw you.”
“But you dont see us that way? Back at the trial you…”
“I said what I had to…but the truth is Blue that I care for all four of you girls.” He said firmly. “I gave them the answer they needed so that it would keep you with me. If I truly thought you were nothing but animals or weapons, I would have reassigned myself in a heartbeat. You think I wanna put up with Deltas attitude all the time?” Blue giggled and nodded.
“Youre right…Im…Im glad.”
“For what?” Owen asked as he turned the van up a dirt road towards the camp.
“We never knew our parents, you know…we never met them. I think the scientists took them away from us when we were hatchlings, so we dont remember much.” She admitted. Owen didnt reply but stared ahead, his eyes focused.
“I know that…”
“So when we met you…you were the first parent we ever had. I think Delta treats you the way she does because shes scared…scared of having a figure like that. She hates it because she always wanted to know who our family was and instead she gets you…”
“Im sorry about that.” Owen said sadly.
“Theres no need to be sorry, Owen.” Blue giggled, although Owen didnt perk up.
“Theres plenty of reason.” Owen replied coldly. “But…thats not important.”
“My point was that…regardless of how Delta acts, were all happy to have you as our Alpha. Were…were glad you stood up for us and I kind of…kind of understand why you did what you did back at the trial.” The truck finally came to a stop and Owen opened the door. It was night out and the camp was quiet. The welcome cabin was in front of them, and a long dirt road lead deeper into the camping area. Owen opened the doors for the girls. Blue poked Charlie who lifted her head sleepily.
“Morning already?”
“Time to go find Echo and Delta.” Blue urged. “Weve been gone long enough, and Alphas gonna take us home.”
“Well sleep at the camp tonight and leave tomorrow. Im sure you both need some rest first.” Owen offered, walking with them to the mess hall. “First, some food.” The sound of food perked up Charlie who instantly forgot her sleepiness and darted ahead towards the mess hall. However, as Blue started to follow, Owen paused as he felt his phone vibrate.
“Owen?” Blue asked.
Its nothing. Owen ignored it, not caring about the caller. As he followed her into the mess hall, he looked to see Delta at a table with Echo and three other staffers, a deck of cards on the table.
“Delta? Echo?” Both girls spun to see Owen, Blue, and Charlie. Echo gasped and stood up to come and hug Blue and Charlie. Delta didnt do the same, but she smiled all the same.
“Took you enough time.” She smiled. “Everything work out?”
“More or less. Are you playing poker?”
“The staffers are trying to teach us.” Echo explained. “Delta is getting it…Im not quite following.” Owen laughed, but was interrupted by his phone again. He groaned, looked at the name of the caller, and hung up again.
“Is everything okay?” Charlie asked curiously.
“Itll be okay.” Owen laughed. Why dont you go ask for your dinner?” Charlie needed no more directive than that. Delta watched her go and then frowned at Owen.
“So…were in the clear? We get to stay together?”
“Sorry to disappoint you.” Owen smirked. Blue grinned and Delta shrugged.
“Yeah well…maybe next time.” She sighed. “Besides…maybe youre growing on me, or something.” She glanced back at Echo and they both shared an understanding nod.
“What on Earth happened to you while I was-oh for the love of…” The phone was ringing again. He finally picked it up and snarled. “I have to take this.”
“Is it someone important?” Blue asked.
“Nothing to worry about. You girls eat and relax. Ill step outside and take this.” Owen checked his phone and sneered at the caller ID. Stepping outside and leaving the girls to their dinner and card game, he answered and put the phone to his ear. “You got a good reason for calling me after the stunt you pulled, Hoshkins?”
“We need the raptors…NOW!” A very uncharacteristically panicked and out of breath Hoshkins cried. Owens eyes narrowed.
“I dont know what scheme youve got cooked up, but my girls arent-”
“WOULD YOU SHUT UP AND LISTEN, GRADY!?” He practically yelped. “This isnt a joke or plan or nothing. This is real! The islands compromised! One of the assets is loose! Shes…shes…”
“One of the assets?!” Owen hissed darkly. “Which one!?”
“I cant answer that.”
“Hoshkins, what the hell got out!?”
“Classified Grady. Heavily classified.”
“Goodbye.” Owen threatened.
“ITS ONE OF THE NEWER ONES! She was brought on after you adopted the raptors. Shes more than we could handle…she…she somehow figured out how to escape. I dont know how, but she did it! Shes been causing chaos all over the island, unlocking paddocks and letting the other assets loose! Shes stealing a boat and making her way to the mainland. If those assets get loose…if she starts a full scale riot stateside…or if someone gets hurt…”
“…Itll be the end of everything we worked for.” Owen muttered. “How deadly are we talking? Whats the potential for carnage here?”
“Grady,” Hoshkins whimpered, “shes a bloody psychopath. I dont know what Wu did to her, but hes made her a murdering machine! Half the island security and staffing were torn apart! I only just got off the island myself to call you!”
“Is she provoked?! Can she be talked down?”
“YOURE NOT HEARING ME!” Hoshkins cried. “SHES NOT KILLING OUT OF DEFENSE OR FOR HER FREEDOM, SHE KILLS FOR FUN! Its a SPORT! We cant reason with it…we have to put her down IMMEDIATELY! This is precisely what your raptor squad was formed for. You wanna prove to me and the rest of the world theyre worth keeping? Suit them up and get to my location!”
Owen stood stock still as he stared off into space, imagining what this meant. This was no ordinary liminal or demi human criminal. This was a psychotic killing machine. Wu and his scientists likely did to her what he did to the girls…if thats the case, she wont be merciful…and theres a chance the girls might even empathize with her. That would make killing her harder. But Hoshkins was right. The secrets of that island could jeopardize EVERYTHING. Not just for the interspecies exchange act…but for Owen and the girls. He didnt see any alternative.
“Where are the rogue assets expected to make land?”
“Florida…possibly near the keys.” Hoshkins replied. “Im calling in favors from the National Guard. Were going to get there first and evacuate any potential target towns and beach resorts. Get your girls here NOW Grady.” The line went dead, leaving Owen with a cold and horrid pit in his stomach.