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Magnetico Web PHP

Magnetico Web is a simple web search interface for magneticod database.


Application setup is quite simple:

Getting the source code

Using Git

git clone
cd magnetico-web

Using Composer

composer create-project skobkin/magnetico-web -s dev
cd magnetico-web

Setting file access privileges

Set up appropriate write permissions for var/cache and var/logs.

Installing dependencies (not needed after installation via Composer)

# In developer environment:
composer install

# In production environment
# You should tell the app that it's running in the production environment.
# You can use environment variables or set it in the .env.local file like that:
echo 'APP_ENV=prod' > ./.env.local
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

After dependencies installation you may need to create .env.local file (see .env for reference) or set appropriate environment variables for production usage.

Check Symfony documentation for more details about .env files.

You can also check this post about .env changes in Symfony if you're updating from an old version of the project.

Database configuration

See Symfony database configuration documentation for more details.

You must set environment variables for both databases: magneticod's and magnetico-web's PostgreSQL.

Schema considerations

Make sure that magnetico-web and magneticod are using the same schema for storing torrents in the PostgreSQL database. Check magneticod docs here and make sure that schema parameter either not set or set to magneticod (default value).

magnetico-web uses magneticod schema to search for torrents so if you set magenticod to use another schema search will not work.

Database schema migration

# Only for 'default' EntityManager (Application entities)
php bin/console doc:mig:mig --em=default

Web assets installation

php bin/console assets:install public --symlink

User creation

# see --help for more info
# If you don't specify the password it'll be requested from you in the command line
php bin/console user:add <your_username> <your_email> [your_password] [--invites=10]

Giving invites to the user

# see --help for more info
php bin/console invite:add <username> <number-of-invites>

Enabling dev mode

echo 'APP_ENV=dev > .env.local'

Running in RoadRunner

# First time only:
./vendor/bin/rr get --location bin/

# Running the server:
./bin/rr serve

# Running the server in dev mode (watching enabled)
bin/rr serve -c

Read more here and here.