2022-03-19 06:04:05 +03:00

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Using database on host machine from Docker

Database configuration


You need to make PostgreSQL listen not only localhost, but also Docker's network interface.

To do that you need to add host machine IP address in the Docker network (usually to the postgresql.conf by changing listen_addresses parameter:

# Listen local interface and also Docker's network
listen_addresses = 'localhost,'

Then you need to allow apps inside Docker containers to authenticate. That could be done by adding following line to the pg_hba.conf:

# Docker network
host    all             all               md5

Do not forget to restart your PostgreSQL server. For PostgreSQL 12 and main cluster it could be usually done like that:

systemctl restart postgresql@12-main.service

MySQL / MariaDB


Application configuration inside Docker

Stacks which allow to use external database back-end should also map host.docker.internal to the host machine address inside Docker's default network.

So to connect to the database from the application inside the container you should use host.docker.internal as the database host/address.