Alexey Skobkin skobkin
skobkin pushed to feature_filter_html_tags at Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot 2022-07-09 23:53:12 +03:00
2efb914292 Removing commented stuff for pylama.
skobkin closed issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#25 2022-07-09 23:37:32 +03:00
Check HTML functionality in Telegram module
skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#25 2022-07-09 23:37:32 +03:00
Check HTML functionality in Telegram module

HTML is not used anymore in /list command, so this issue is not relevant as HTML works in notifications.

skobkin created pull request Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#33 2022-07-09 23:14:45 +03:00
Sanitizing HTML to leave only HTML tags allowed by Telegram Bot API.
skobkin pushed to feature_filter_html_tags at Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot 2022-07-09 23:14:06 +03:00
ecc97fa2a0 Fix #29. Sanitizing HTML to leave only HTML tags allowed by Telegram Bot API.
skobkin created branch feature_filter_html_tags in Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot 2022-07-09 23:14:06 +03:00
skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#25 2022-07-09 23:07:43 +03:00
Check HTML functionality in Telegram module

The HTML itself works fine.

skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#15 2022-07-09 23:04:28 +03:00
Migrate persistence module to PostgreSQL

Implement #32 while migrating to PostgreSQL.

skobkin opened issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#32 2022-07-09 23:02:40 +03:00
UNIQUE constraint failed: feeds_last_items.url
skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#29 2022-07-09 22:56:02 +03:00
Filter HTML tags
  • lxml didn't work out well because it was constantly adding div element as a container to the provided string or document.
skobkin opened issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#31 2022-07-09 19:44:31 +03:00
Document running the updated in
skobkin opened issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#30 2022-07-09 19:28:21 +03:00
Properly represent date and time in FeedItem DTO
skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#29 2022-07-09 19:23:41 +03:00
Filter HTML tags

It's also possible to sanitize HTML right in the RssReader with proper FeedParser configuration.

But it's better to sanitize it…

skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#29 2022-07-09 18:36:43 +03:00
Filter HTML tags
skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#15 2022-07-09 16:41:05 +03:00
Migrate persistence module to PostgreSQL

Moving to MVP 0.1 because SQLite is not working for us as well as was expected (#26).

skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#15 2022-07-09 16:39:49 +03:00
Migrate persistence module to PostgreSQL

@cauf suggested to use following libraries:

skobkin approved Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#28 2022-07-09 02:43:41 +03:00

gorilla book by orly

skobkin commented on pull request Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#28 2022-07-09 02:43:41 +03:00

We need to create a task for that.

skobkin commented on issue Miroslavsckaya/tg_rss_bot#5 2022-07-09 01:27:31 +03:00
RSS update manager

Closed in #23.