Alexey Skobkin skobkin
skobkin deleted branch chore_92 from skobkin/docker-stacks 2024-04-14 23:36:22 +03:00
skobkin pushed to master at skobkin/docker-stacks 2024-04-14 23:36:22 +03:00
0ffd7a3f64 Merge pull request 'chore. removing: jdownloader, joplin, magneticod-python, mariadb-common, nextcloud, postgres-common, wireguard, wordpress.' (#99) from chore_92 into master
783be7532e chore. removing: jdownloader, joplin, magneticod-python, mariadb-common, nextcloud, postgres-common, wireguard, wordpress.
Compare 2 commits »
skobkin merged pull request skobkin/docker-stacks#99 2024-04-14 23:36:20 +03:00
chore. removing: jdownloader, joplin, magneticod-python, mariadb-common, nextcloud, postgres-common, wireguard, wordpress.
skobkin created pull request skobkin/docker-stacks#99 2024-04-14 23:35:44 +03:00
chore. removing: jdownloader, joplin, magneticod-python, mariadb-common, nextcloud, postgres-common, wireguard, wordpress.
skobkin pushed to chore_92 at skobkin/docker-stacks 2024-04-14 23:34:06 +03:00
783be7532e chore. removing: jdownloader, joplin, magneticod-python, mariadb-common, nextcloud, postgres-common, wireguard, wordpress.
skobkin created branch chore_92 in skobkin/docker-stacks 2024-04-14 23:34:06 +03:00
skobkin opened issue skobkin/docker-stacks#98 2024-04-10 15:10:42 +03:00
shinobi - allow using GPU for video encoding
skobkin opened issue skobkin/docker-stacks#97 2024-04-10 01:52:39 +03:00
sish - SSH based proxy for sharing localhost
skobkin opened issue skobkin/docker-stacks#96 2024-04-10 01:31:45 +03:00
Webhook. Getting 502 after some time of running
skobkin opened issue skobkin/docker-stacks#95 2024-04-10 01:30:01 +03:00
Bookkeeping software
skobkin opened issue skobkin/docker-stacks#94 2024-03-27 23:29:50 +03:00
MQTT broker
skobkin opened issue skobkin/docker-stacks#93 2024-03-26 21:24:59 +03:00
Mail server
skobkin opened issue skobkin/docker-stacks#92 2024-03-25 14:56:48 +03:00
Clean up abandoned stacks
skobkin opened issue skobkin/docker-stacks#91 2024-03-21 20:23:14 +03:00
webhook. Not getting real IP address from the reverse-proxy
skobkin synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/merge-requests/3/merge at skobkin/docker-murmur from mirror 2024-03-18 11:20:18 +03:00
skobkin synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/merge-requests/3/head at skobkin/docker-murmur from mirror 2024-03-18 11:20:18 +03:00
skobkin pushed tag 0.3.0 to skobkin/telegram-ollama-reply-bot 2024-03-13 01:20:21 +03:00
skobkin deleted branch fix_chat_type_middleware_nil_pointer from skobkin/telegram-ollama-reply-bot 2024-03-13 01:20:08 +03:00
skobkin pushed to main at skobkin/telegram-ollama-reply-bot 2024-03-13 01:20:08 +03:00
db92c01131 Merge pull request 'URL scheme whitelist and Inline Queries.' (#21) from fix_chat_type_middleware_nil_pointer into main
7bb5c65d59 Closes #14. Adding inline queries. Also small refactoring of context prompt based on RequestContext.
ca005a9370 Extracting request context creation to separate file.
d890faf461 Fix #20 disallowing any URL except http:// and https://. Extracting helper methods to separate file.
Compare 4 commits »