messenger = $messageSender; $this->userApi = $userApi; $this->accountFactory = $accountFactory; $this->em = $em; $this->pointUserId = $pointUserId; $this->userRepo = $em->getRepository('SkobkinPointToolsBundle:User'); $this->accountRepo = $em->getRepository('SkobkinPointToolsBundle:Telegram\Account'); $this->subscriptionRepo = $em->getRepository('SkobkinPointToolsBundle:Subscription'); $this->subscriptionEventRepo = $em->getRepository('SkobkinPointToolsBundle:SubscriptionEvent'); } public function process(Message $message) { if (!IncomingUpdateDispatcher::CHAT_TYPE_PRIVATE === $message->chat->type) { throw new \LogicException('This service can process only private chat messages'); } try { // Registering Telegram user /** @var Account $account */ $account = $this->accountFactory->findOrCreateFromMessage($message); $this->em->flush(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Low-level message in case of incorrect $account $this->messenger->sendMessageToChat($message->chat->id, 'There was an error during your Telegram account registration. Try again or report the bug.'); } try { $words = explode(' ', $message->text, 10); if (0 === count($words)) { return; } switch ($words[0]) { case '/link': case 'link': $this->processLink($account, $words); break; case '/me': case 'me': $this->processMe($account); break; case '/last': case 'last': $this->processLast($account, $words); break; case '/sub': case 'sub': $this->processSub($account, $words); break; case '/stats': case 'stats': $this->processStats($account); break; // Settings menu case '/set': $this->processSet($account, $words); break; // Exit from any menu and remove keyboard case '/exit': case 'exit': $this->processExit($account); break; case '/help': default: $this->processHelp($account); break; } } catch (CommandProcessingException $e) { $this->sendError($account, 'Processing error', $e->getMessage()); if ($e->getPrevious()) { throw $e->getPrevious(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->sendError($account, 'Unknown error'); throw $e; } } private function linkAccount(Account $account, string $login, string $password): bool { /** @var User $user */ if (null === $user = $this->userRepo->findUserByLogin($login)) { throw new CommandProcessingException('User not found in Point Tools database. Please try again later.'); } if ($this->userApi->isAuthDataValid($login, $password)) { $account->setUser($user); return true; } return false; } private function processLink(Account $account, array $words) { if (array_key_exists(2, $words)) { if ($this->linkAccount($account, $words[1], $words[2])) { // Saving linking status $this->em->flush(); $this->sendAccountLinked($account); } else { $this->sendError($account, 'Account linking error', 'Check login and password or try again later.'); } } else { $this->sendError($account, 'Login/Password error', 'You need to specify login and password separated by space after /link (example: `/link mylogin MypASSw0rd`)'); } } private function processMe(Account $account) { if ($user = $account->getUser()) { $this->sendUserEvents($account, $user); } else { $this->sendError($account, 'Account not linked', 'You must /link your account first to be able to use this command.'); } } private function processLast(Account $account, array $words) { if (array_key_exists(1, $words)) { if (null !== $user = $this->userRepo->findUserByLogin($words[1])) { $this->sendUserEvents($account, $user); } else { $this->sendError($account, 'User not found'); } } else { $this->sendGlobalEvents($account); } } private function processSub(Account $account, array $words) { if (array_key_exists(1, $words)) { if (null !== $user = $this->userRepo->findUserByLogin($words[1])) { $this->sendUserSubscribers($account, $user); } else { $this->sendError($account, 'User not found'); } } else { if ($user = $account->getUser()) { $this->sendUserSubscribers($account, $user); } else { $this->sendError($account, 'Account not linked', 'You must /link your account first to be able to use this command.'); } } } private function processStats(Account $account) { $this->sendStats($account); } private function processSet(Account $account, array $words) { $keyboard = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup(); if (array_key_exists(1, $words)) { if (array_key_exists(2, $words)) { if ('renames' === $words[2]) { $account->toggleRenameNotification(); $this->em->flush(); $this->messenger->sendMessage($account, 'Renaming notifications are turned '.($account->isRenameNotification() ? 'on' : 'off')); } elseif ('subscribers' === $words[2]) { $account->toggleSubscriberNotification(); $this->em->flush(); $this->messenger->sendMessage($account, 'Subscribers notifications are turned '.($account->isSubscriberNotification() ? 'on' : 'off')); if ($account->isSubscriberNotification() && null === $account->getUser()) { $this->messenger->sendMessage($account, 'You need to /link you account to receive these notifications.'); } } else { $this->sendError($account, 'Notification type does not exist.'); } } else { $keyboard->keyboard = [ ['/set notifications renames'], ['/set notifications subscribers'], ['exit'], ]; $this->messenger->sendMessage($account, 'Choose which notification type to toggle', MessageSender::PARSE_PLAIN, $keyboard); } } else { $keyboard->keyboard = [ ['/set notifications'], ['exit'], ]; $this->messenger->sendTemplatedMessage($account, '@SkobkinPointTools/Telegram/', ['account' => $account], $keyboard); } } /** * Processes exit from keyboard menus and removes the keyboard */ private function processExit(Account $account) { $keyboardRemove = new ReplyKeyboardRemove(); $this->messenger->sendMessage($account, 'Done', MessageSender::PARSE_PLAIN, $keyboardRemove); } private function processHelp(Account $account) { $this->sendHelp($account); } private function sendAccountLinked(Account $account) { $this->messenger->sendMessage($account, 'Account linked. Try using /me now.'); } private function sendUserSubscribers(Account $account, User $user) { $subscribers = []; foreach ($user->getSubscribers() as $subscription) { $subscribers[] = '@'.$subscription->getSubscriber()->getLogin(); } $this->messenger->sendTemplatedMessage( $account, '@SkobkinPointTools/Telegram/', [ 'user' => $user, 'subscribers' => $subscribers, ] ); } private function sendUserEvents(Account $account, User $user) { $events = $this->subscriptionEventRepo->getUserLastSubscribersEvents($user, 10); $this->messenger->sendTemplatedMessage( $account, '@SkobkinPointTools/Telegram/', [ 'user' => $user, 'events' => $events, ] ); } private function sendGlobalEvents(Account $account) { $events = $this->subscriptionEventRepo->getLastSubscriptionEvents(10); $this->messenger->sendTemplatedMessage($account, '@SkobkinPointTools/Telegram/', ['events' => $events]); } private function sendStats(Account $account) { $this->messenger->sendTemplatedMessage( $account, '@SkobkinPointTools/Telegram/', [ 'total_users' => $this->userRepo->getUsersCount(), 'active_users' => $this->subscriptionRepo->getUserSubscribersCountById($this->pointUserId), 'telegram_accounts' => $this->accountRepo->getAccountsCount(), 'telegram_linked_accounts' => $this->accountRepo->getLinkedAccountsCount(), 'today_events' => $this->subscriptionEventRepo->getLastDayEventsCount(), ] ); } private function sendHelp(Account $account) { $this->messenger->sendTemplatedMessage($account, '@SkobkinPointTools/Telegram/'); } private function sendError(Account $account, string $title, string $text = '') { $this->messenger->sendTemplatedMessage( $account, '@SkobkinPointTools/Telegram/', [ 'title' => $title, 'text' => $text, ] ); } }