# English language for Point tools # Header Toggle navigation: Toggle navigation Main: Main Public feed: Public feed Statistics: Statistics Report a bug: Report a bug Telegram Bot: Telegram Bot Last: Last # Footer Source code: Source code # Pagination Previous: Previous Next: Next # Index page All users: All users Subscribed users: Subscribed users 24 hours events: 24 hours events Author: Author Subscriber: Subscriber Last events: Last events Login: Login Username: Username Search: Search # User page Subscribers: Subscribers Subscriptions log: Subscriptions log User: User Action: Action Date: Date Rename log: Rename log Old login: Old login New login: New login User was removed from Point.im. It could be caused by Terms of Service violation.: > User was removed from Point.im. It could be caused by Terms of Service violation. Non-public: Non-public Whitelist-only: Whitelist-only No subscribers data found: No subscribers data found No rename log data found: No rename log data found No subscribers log data found: No subscribers log data found # Post page in response to: in response to # Statistics page Top users: Top users Subscribers count: Subscribers count amount: amount Events count: Events count Events by day: Events by dayм