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# Part 14 - Full Moon Special
Owen and his long time friend Barry were done with their meeting and were making their way back home to Owens house. Barry knew about the raptors, and hed met them before. They were friendly enough to him that he could interact with them, but he knew that he wasnt to go near them when angry or in hunting mode. Only Owen was allowed in their hunting territory. As they walked in the house, Barry sighed, looking up at the night sky.
“Its a beautiful full moon tonight.” He smiled. “I have not had the chance to appreciate one in ages, man.”
“Ill bet the girls would love to see it too.” Owen laughed as he opened the door. The house was dark and foreboding. There was no sound, and Owen was suddenly reminded of Charlies favorite game.
“Barry, hold on…Charlie may jump out to scare us. Just stay behind me, alright?” Owen stepped in cautiously. “Im home girls, and Barry is here with me! Charlie, do NOT jump out right now!” Barry stepped in after him and looked confused.
“I dont see them…It is pretty late. Maybe they went to bed?”
“Or theyre out doing their night hunting training.” Owen offered. “You stay inside. Ill check outside.” Owen ran through the den and to the large gate that opened towards the hunting paddock. The paddock was a massive expanse of jungle nearly two acres in diameter. It was a good running range for the girls and, when releasing pigs and other targets, it served for great hunting practice. The gate was necessary in case the girls instincts got a little too wild, they could cool off in the paddock without coming in and wrecking the house. Owen opened the gate with the emergency switch and walked outside.
“Girls?” He called. “Blue! Echo! Delta! Charlie! Front and center!” There was no answer. He placed his hands on his hips and sighed. “Damn…whered they go. They cant leave without me; they know that.” He stood still a moment and walked a bit further into the paddock.
“BLUE!” He shouted.
“Good evening, Alpha.”
“WOAH!” Owen spun around towards the jungle and saw her. Blue was at the edge of the trees, standing stock still and smiling…and though the bushes covered her some, Owen could tell she was wide awake and standing at attention as she usually did. But when she took a step forward, Owen blushed heavily. “AAH! B-BLUE! YOURE NAKED!”
“Sorry, Alpha. It was just…really hot in my pajamas.” She moaned. “I thought a nice run might cool me off and…I eventually just stripped out of them.”
“C-cover up why dont you!?” Owen shouted. “This is indecent!”
“But it feels so good Alpha. You should do it too.” Blue offered, walking a bit closer to him.
“What the…whats gotten into you!?”
“Were just going natural.” Another voice answered. Owen had been so focused on Blue, he hadnt noticed the other girls stepping out of the shadows of the trees, surrounding him from the front and sides. To Blues right was a very naked and very sweaty Delta. To the right of her was Echo and Charlie, both equally naked and starting at Owen through very keen and narrowed eyes. They were walking very carefully and slowly towards him, hunched forward in pouncing position.
“Dont you like how we look?” Echo asked. “Youve seen us in clothing and have no problems…why should this matter?”
“Jesus, girls! Back up!” Owen cried, throwing up his hands and backing up slowly. He knew better than to run or turn his back to them…it would only rile them up.
“But Alpha, we only wanna play a little.” Charlie cooed, moving a bit closer.
“Woah! No! No no no!” Owen snapped.
“Just hurry and take off your pants, you bastard!” Delta snapped, moving forward fast. Owen raised his hand forcefully, stopping her in her tracks.
“STAND DOWN!” He shouted. The girls halted a moment, trained to respond to the command…. “Blue, stand down.” He ordered as Blue was starting to move closer again.
“Mmm~ I love when you get bossy.” Blue moaned.
“HEY! Whatd I just say?”
“Cant hear you over the sound of your muscles.” Delta hissed. “Just how many sit ups do you do in a day?”
“Delta!” Owen snapped, pointing at her as shed started to advance around his blind side. “I see you! Back up!” The girls didnt back up…in fact none of his orders seemed to be reaching them. They were all focused…all drooling…and all in terrible heat.
“Please Alpha, just play with us? We wont hurt you.” Charlie squealed, moving a few steps in.
“Charlie…stay right there, young lady.” Owen hissed. “Echo, NO! Back up!” Echo had made a swift move forward, showing an uncharacteristic confidence in her. “Easy girls…easy…”
“OWEN!?” Owen glanced behind him to see Barry by the gate, staring open mouthed in horror at the four raptors, naked and advancing on him.
“….Barry….close the gate…” Owen called.
“ARE YOU CRAZY!?” He shouted.
“Barry, just trust me, okay? Close the gate.” Owen growled.
“Thats right, Alpha.” Blue whispered, seductively. “Lock us in…and well have so much fun together.”
“I can hardly wait…” Echo crowed.
“Just give us a taste, Alpha!” Delta growled. “Dont be selfish.” Owen said nothing in reply but just waited. Barry cursed and pressed the button to close the gate. Owen acted in a flash, turning and sprinting and flying through the gate as he heard it shutting. The girls screeched their predatory call and charged. Owen rolled through just as the gate slammed closed and the girls crashed into it, groaning and screaming.
“Thats enough….” Owen groaned heavily, breathing and trying to stand again. “…you girls calm the hell down, and Ill let you out in the morning.” He then slammed the door behind him as the girls all moaned and called out again to him, begging him to come back.
“You…okay?” Barry asked.
“What got into those girls?” Owen asked.
“Likely the full moon.” Barry answered. “It draws out their inner animal instincts…drives them mad with lust.”
“Shit…that was way too close.” Owen sighed.
“…Youre totally turned on, arent you?” Barry asked. Owen didnt answer that, but silently wished Barry would just walk away now. He didnt want to admit just how tempting that whole ordeal had been.
“Ill go and check on them in the morning. Maybe by then theyll be settled down.”