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# Part 3
It was just like Captain Grayson had said. Within four days of his visit, theyd gotten a call from Hoskins that they had an emergency requiring the girls response. Owen was now sitting in the back of a large armored police SUV. He was reading a tablet in his lap, detailing the situation to him. Meanwhile the four girls were already gearing up.
For this job, theyd been given tight body armor, each one a different color to indicate their identity to the other without verbal cues. Blue was standing in her navy blue one piece suit, looking like she was a lifeguard or Olympic athlete. She was holding onto a strap from the roof of the van and was inspecting the others to ensure they were ready. Delta was already ready to go in her teal colored gear. She wasnt looking at the others, but rather staring out the window as they tore down the road, the siren from the van warning other cars to stay back. Echo was helping Charlie into her dark green suit. She looked so uncomfortable in it…Charlie had always preferred loose fitting clothes. Thats why she liked skirts. This one piece leotard style gear felt too constricting to her. Echo didnt seem to have any complaints about her red gear. She merely smiled as Charlie stretched and got herself familiar with the outfit.
“Alpha sir,” Blue spoke up, “permission to speak?”
“Granted.” Owen answered.
“You were unclear before leaving as to the nature of our mission aside from it was a hostage situation.” Blue explained. “If its alright, Id like to know the details of our task.” All the girls now turned their attention to Owen, waiting to hear what he had to say. Owen lowered his tablet and stood up, gripping the handle bar above him.
“Alright girls, all eyes on me and all ears open! Heres the situation!”
“SIR! YES SIR!” They answered in unison.
“Exactly two hours ago, at twenty-hundred hours (2000 hours), four orcs, two minotaurs, and at least one devil took control of a shopping mall in downtown Los Angeles.” Owen explained. “Theyve taken at least 49 people hostage and were not sure what theyre demands are. We believe the devil is leading them…possibly through some form of hypnosis.”
“Ruddy little shits.” Delta growled.
“Lock it up, Delta!” Blue snapped. “Sorry about that, Alpha.”
“Your mission is to infiltrate the mall through the roof into the Dillards shopping center. There you are to work as a team to accomplish two objectives. Rescue the human and extra species hostages, and to incapacitate the criminals.”
“Rules of engagement?” Echo asked.
“The civilians are priority alpha…we CANNOT have one of them get hurt, or it would cause issues for the progression of the interspecies exchange bill. For that reason, were sending you in without firearms…we cant risk a misfire or crossfire.”
“Well we havent trained in firearm tactics yet anyway, so thats fine.” Charlie giggled. “Just ol fashion tooth and nail!”
“Damn straight.” Delta agreed.
“Relax, Blue…just commenting.” Delta shrugged.
“Its alright girls, calm down.” Owen grumbled. Once the girls were quiet again, he continued. “The criminals are secondary here. Wed prefer them alive, but if your hands are forced…take them down hard.”
“Yes sir.” Blue nodded.
“Blue, once youve breached, you take point.” With a nod Blue turned to the girls who all nodded their agreement. “Any questions?”
“How much are the targets packing?” Echo whispered.
“The orcs have some illegally obtained firearms, other than that, Im not 100% sure. Your suits will provide moderate protection, but otherwise, do your best to stay out of their line of fire.”
“Any cover you can provide?” Blue asked.
“The local LEOs have taken control of the power to the mall and will shut off the lights to provide cover. Since the sun is down, the night will give you an advantage…but be warned, the orcs are more than capable of smelling you out. Dont hesitate and work as a unit.”
“Will you be talkn to us while were inside?” Charlie asked.
“We have access to the cameras inside the building, and Ill issue orders where I can…but otherwise, this is your op. Like I said, Blue is taking point.” Owen looked to Delta. “What about you, Delta? Any questions?”
“Just point me to who needs to die…”
“YEAH!” Charlie agreed.
“Delta…lethal force only if necessary. Were here to enforce peace.” Blue snapped back.
“Why does everything I say have to get a negative response from you?” Delta sneered.
“Lock it up, both of you!” Owen snapped. “Delta, Im glad youre excited…but Blues right. Lets keep lethal force to as low as possible. Blue, go easy on the team. Everyones a little on edge.” Blue bowed her head.
“Sorry, sir.”
“Yeah…what she said.” Delta grumbled.
“If there are no more questions, take these.” He reached out, holding four ear plugs for them to put in their ears. All the girls took one and inserted them into their right ears. Owen lifted a small microphone to his mouth and spoke. “Testing. Can you hear me?” All the girls head up their thumbs. “Thisll be our means of communication. Were coming to the mall now…this is where we part ways. The chief negotiator will lead you to your assigned location.”
“Thank you, sir!” Blue saluted. “We wont let you down.”
“I know you wont.” The van finally came to a stop and Echo pushed open the door for the girls to climb out. “Good luck.”
“And may the force be with us!” Charlie added.
“Really Charlie?” Echo giggled.
“I knew we shouldnt have bought those dumb movies. Now shes quoting them!”
“Shut up, Delta, they were all great! Even you liked the Empire Strikes Back!” Charlie cried defensively.
“My favorite part was the lightsaber battle where…” Owen shook his head as the girls gossiped their way out of the van and to the tent where the chief negotiator waited for them.
“God help me…what am I gonna do with those four?”
The inside of the mall was uncharacteristically empty. When the monsters had taken over the premises, there had been a mad scramble to escape. Now the only humans left in the building were around 50 to 60 who were all packed in the middle of the food court with a minotaur and an orc guarding them, both armed with submachine guns. They were both tall, male, and bulging with muscles. They hardly needed the guns to look intimidating. Sitting on the bench in front of them, licking an ice cream cone, was what appeared to be a teenage girl with horns poking out of her head, with red skin and dark yellow eyes. She had on thick make up and wings on her back like a demon. She had her legs crossed and was twiddling her fingers board.
“Ugh, so boring…I thought the police might come barging in or something! When I heard I was getting sent to America for my homestay, I was SURE itd be more fun than this…theres nothing to do!” She was a greater devil. A subspecies of the devil race that was teenage in appearance, but just as childish as lesser devils. This one, however, was on the no fly list…she was supposed to be barred from coming to America, but had somehow slipped through the cracks. Now the mall was being held hostage. She pulled out her radio and clicked the receiver.
“Yo pigs…see any other stragglers?”
“No maam…aint seen no-“
Before he could finish, the lights in the entire mall went out. The hostages behind her all squealed with fright and the devil stood up surprised.
“What the hell just happened!? Whyd we lose power? This a joke?”
“Boss, whats happening?!”
“How should I know, you dumb cow?!” She growled at the minotaur behind her. “Just watch the hostages….somethings not right.” Suddenly static appeared over the radio.
“BOSS! BOSS YOU GOTTA HELP! THEY GOT PETE! ITS A-AAAAH!” There was the sound of an animal like shriek and then the line went dead with a loud thud, as if the orc holding the radio had suddenly hit the ground hard. A chill ran down the devils spine and she dropped the radio in a panic. There were predators in the mall…and they werent police.
Owen could see the whole show through the wall of mall cameras he had access to. Two orcs had been walking the same hallway past a Gamestop. From out of the gamestop, like a flash of lightning, Delta had burst out like a missile and tackled the closest one to the ground, knocking him out with a punch to the nose. The other grabbed for his radio, squealing for help from a boss but before he could get far, Charlie came sprinting out of hiding in the womens clothing store and struck him down, slamming her whole body, feet first into his chest with a raptor like shriek. With two of the orcs down, that left two more orcs and two minotaurs, plus the devil. According to the cameras, the devil was with one orc and one minotaur in the food court with the hostages. There was only one way into the food court so it would be hard to use the element of surprise. He needed a plan.
“Blue, do you copy?”
“Affirmative!” Blues voice responded.
“Ive got eyes on the hostages and three bogies. Two armed. All packed in the food court. You only have one P.O.E., a straight hallway down the center. No surprise attacks.”
“Its a game of chess, Blue. Remember last week when I played you?”
“I remember Blue lost…hehehe…it was so funny.” Charlie giggled over the comms.
“Lock it up, Charlie…” Blue groaned.
“Blue…remember how I won. What did I do to take your king.” There was a long silence from Blue, and then suddenly a realization.
“10-4! Alpha, do you have a visual on the other tangos?”
“Your minotaur is upstairs by the jeans. The other orc is trying to make his way back to the food court from the west wing of the mall…I think hes in a panic.”
“Echo! Charlie! Head to the west wing and cut off that pig before he gets home! Delta, head to the upper level and flush out that minotaur!” The girls darted without a moments hesitation and Owen could watch it all happen. Through screens he saw the minotaur panic, as a terrifying Delta burst from out of the clothes lines and sent her screaming back towards the escalator. Meanwhile the orc that had been running from the West Wing was over run and brought down by Charlie and Echo. Echo had jumped and slammed the force of her body into his back while Charlie used her foot claw to slash his leg out from under him.
“Orc is down.” Echo announced.
“Minotaur running for the escalator.” Delta informed.
“Delta, cease pursuit!” Blue ordered. “Pull back and let the minotaur get closer to the food court. Echo, hide in the arcade and engage on my command!”
The devil had picked up her radio and was now calling frantically. “PETE!? A.J? SUSIE!? SOMEONE TALK TO ME! WHATS OUT THERE!?”
“Ya think Susie is okay?” The minotaur man asked, concern on his face.
“Im sure shes fine, Chad. Just-”
“HELP!” All three turned at the sound of the cry. From down the hall, the female minotaur was running, fear in her eyes and she was completely out of breath. Chad broke from his bosses side and ran to her.
“Susie! Youre alright! What ha-SUSIE!” It was too late. From out of a nearby arcade, a bolt of red shot out of the doorway and struck her to the ground with a kick so strong the sound of her broken jaw could be heard across the room. Chad turned to flee, but a navy blue rocket shot down the hall and plunged its fist into his horned head. The orc, seeing the big strong minotaurs get taken down in seconds, ran squealing for cover.
“NO! DONT RUN YOU FAT IDIOT!” It was too late. A teal streak sprinted down the hall and past the devil, leaping out and knocking the orc down, using her tail to trip him up and then using her foot to step on his face, knocking him out. Now the devil could see the hunters. All three stood around her now. Adorned in scales and tight armor, they looked like lizardmen…but werent quite. They had the feet of raptors, and muscles of toned athletes. All their eyes were now on her as the began to spread around her. She held up her hands and tried to speak slowly as the blue haired one drew closer and closer.
“DONT COME ONE STEP CLOSER!” She snapped. Blue stopped. The two locked eyes. “I have hostages.”
“Orders, Blue?” Echo asked, crouched low and ready to move. Delta took the same crouching stance. Blue didnt move a muscle. She was judging…and waiting. The first part of the plan had worked. Just like in that game of chess, shed drawn the knights away from the king and left her exposed…but now she had hostages. What was the next best move?
“Hold.” She instructed.
“You three better back up…back up or I kill one of the hostages…damn, I cant believe all of the gang was taken down by three lizard girls!”
“Well see, youre wrong on two counts.” Blue explained. “There were actually four.” She let out a whistle and dropped to one knee. From behind, Charlie sprinted in, using her back as a spring board, Charlie lept off Blue and delivered a devastating flying kick into the devils face, sending her crashing to the ground. As Charlie stood again, smiling a broad toothy grin, Blue stood up straight and proud. “And secondly…were raptors. Not lizards.” Blue then touched the ear piece on her head and spoke slowly but happily.
“Alpha? All targets are down and hostages are rescued. I repeat: Mission complete!”
“Good job girls. I think youve all earned a meal out tomorrow night.”