# https://hub.docker.com/r/matrixdotorg/synapse # https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/tree/master/docker IMAGE_VERSION=latest DATA_PATH=./data SSL_PATH=./ssl HTTP_PORT_INT=8008 INTERFACE_EXT= HTTP_PORT_EXT=8008 TZ=Europe/Moscow # (mandatory): the server public hostname: SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME=my.domain.tld # (mandatory, yes or no): whether to enable anonymous statistics reporting: SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS=no # where additional config files (such as the log config and event signing key) will be stored: #SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR=/data # path to the file to be generated: #SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH= # where the generated config will put persistent data such as the database and media store: #SYNAPSE_DATA_DIR=/data # the user id and group id to use for creating the data directories: #UID=991 #GID=991 # Sliding sync settings SS_PROXY_IMAGE_TAG=latest SYNCV3_SERVER=https://skobk.in SYNCV3_DB='user=matrix-ss dbname=matrix-ss sslmode=disable host=host.docker.internal password=database_password' SYNCV3_SECRET=very_long_and_random_secret SS_BIND_ADDR= SS_BIND_PORT=8889 SS_EXT_ADR= SS_EXT_PORT=8889 LOG_MAX_SIZE=5m LOG_MAX_FILE=5