$(document).ready(function() { // Grouping console log console.group('point-plus'); console.info('Point+ %s', getVersion()); // Loading options chrome.storage.sync.get(ppOptions, function(options) { // Options debug console.debug('Options loaded: %O', options); // Embedding if (options.option_embedding == true) { // Load pictures from Booru, Tumblr and some other sites if (options.option_images_load_booru == true){ load_all_booru_images(); } // Parse webm-links and create video instead if (options.option_videos_parse_webm == true){ parse_webm(); } } // Fancybox if (options.option_fancybox == true) { if (options.option_fancybox_bind_images_to_one_flow==true){ // Linking images in posts to the galleries $('.post-content .text').each(function () { $(this).find('a.postimg:not(.youtube)').attr('rel', 'one_flow_gallery'); }); } // Images if (options.option_fancybox_images == true) { if (options.option_fancybox_bind_images_to_one_flow!==true) { // Linking images in posts to the galleries $('.post-content .text').each(function (idxPost) { $(this).find('a.postimg:not(.youtube)').attr('rel', 'post' + idxPost); }); } // Init fancybox $('.postimg:not(.youtube)').fancybox({ type: 'image' }); } // Videos if (options.option_fancybox_videos == true) { $('.postimg.youtube').addClass('fancybox-media').fancybox({ helpers: { media: { youtube: { params: { autoplay: 1 } } } } }); } // Posts if (options.option_fancybox_posts == true) { // Excluding some sort of piece-of-shit makeup $('.post-id a').not('#comments .post-id a, #top-post .post-id a').attr('data-fancybox-type', 'iframe').fancybox({ maxWidth: 780 }); } } // Hotkeys // Send by CTRL+Enter if (options.option_ctrl_enter == true) { // Reply // Delegated event for all comments $('.content-wrap #comments').on('keydown.point_plus', '.reply-form textarea', function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13)) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('.reply-form').submit(); } }); // New post $('#new-post-form #text-input,#new-post-form #tags-input').on('keydown.point_plus', function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13)) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('#new-post-form').submit(); } }); } // Look and feel // Fluid #main layout if (options.option_fluid_layout == true) { $('#main, #header, #subheader, #footer').css({ 'width': '95%', 'max-width': '95%' }); // TODO: fix #main #left-menu #top-link position } // Image resizing if (options.option_images_load_original == true) { // Setting new image source $('.postimg:not(.youtube) img').each(function() { console.log($(this).parent('.postimg').attr('href')); $(this).attr('src', $(this).parent('.postimg').attr('href')); }); // Resizing $('.postimg:not(.youtube), .postimg:not(.youtube) img').css({ 'width': 'auto', 'height': 'auto', 'max-width': '100%', 'max-height': '100%' }); } // Visual editor if (options.option_visual_editor_post == true) { // Add classes $('#new-post-form #text-input, .post-content #text-input').addClass('markitup').css('height', '20em'); // Init $('.markitup').markItUp(mySettings); // Send by CTRL+Enter if (options.option_ctrl_enter == true) { // New post $('#new-post-form #text-input, .post-content #text-input').on('keydown.point_plus', function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13)) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parents('#new-post-form,#post-edit-form').submit(); } }); } } // Google search if (options.option_search_with_google == true) { $('#search-form input[type="text"]').attr('placeholder', 'Google').keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); document.location.href = '//www.google.ru/search?q=site%3Apoint.im+' + $(this).val(); } }); } // WebSocket if (options.option_ws == true) { // SSL or plain ws = new WebSocket(((location.protocol == 'https:') ? 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').addClass('comments').append($commentTemplate.hide().fadeIn(2000))); } } else { console.log('Parent comment not found'); // FIXME: Double code $('.content-wrap #comments #post-reply').before($commentTemplate.hide().fadeIn(2000)); } } // Adding anchor $commentTemplate.before($anchor); // Fading out highlight if needed if (options.option_ws_comments_color_fadeout == true) { console.log('Fading out the highlight'); $commentTemplate.children('.pp-highlight').fadeOut(20000); } // Desktop notifications if (options.option_ws_comments_notifications == true) { console.log('Showing desktop notification'); chrome.extension.sendMessage({ type: 'showNotification', notificationId: wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id, avatarUrl: ((location.protocol == 'http:') ? 'http:' : 'https:') + userAvatar + '/80', title: '@' + wsMessage.author + ' commented #' + wsMessage.post_id + '(/' + wsMessage.comment_id + ')', text: wsMessage.text }); } console.groupEnd(); }); break; // Posts case 'post': console.group('ws-post #%s', wsMessage.post_id); console.debug(wsMessage); console.groupEnd(); break; // Recommendation case 'ok': console.group('ws-recommendation #%s/%s', wsMessage.post_id, wsMessage.comment_id); console.debug(wsMessage); console.groupEnd(); break; default: console.group('ws-other'); console.log(wsMessage); console.groupEnd(); break; } } } } catch (e) { console.log('WebSocket exception:') console.log(e); console.log(evt.data); } ; }; } // Font size if ((options.option_enlarge_font == true) && (options.option_enlarge_font_size !== undefined)) { $('body').css('font-size', (options.option_enlarge_font_size / 100) + 'em'); } // @ before username if (options.option_at_before_username == true) { chrome.extension.sendMessage({ type: 'injectCSSFile', file: 'css/modules/at_before_username.css' }); } // Hightlight post with new comments if (options.option_other_hightlight_post_comments == true){ mark_unread_post(); } // Show recommendation count and unique commentators count if (options.option_other_show_recommendation_count == true){ set_posts_count_label(); } }); // Showing page action chrome.extension.sendMessage({type: 'showPageAction'}); }); function escapeHtml(text) { return text .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'") .replace(/\n/g, "
"); } // Monts for Date.getMonth() var months = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]; /* Nokita's functions */ // Картинки с бурятников var booru_picture_count = 0; function load_all_booru_images() { $('a').each(function (num, obj) { if ($(obj).hasClass('booru_pic')) { return; } var href = obj.href; var n = null; if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^https?://danbooru\\.donmai\\.us/posts/([0-9]+)', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('danbooru', n[1]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; } else if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^https?\\://(www\\.)?gelbooru\\.com\\/index\\.php\\?page\\=post&s\\=view&id=([0-9]+)', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('gelbooru', n[2]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; } else if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^https?\\://(www\\.)?safebooru\\.org\\/index\\.php\\?page\\=post&s\\=view&id=([0-9]+)', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('safebooru', n[2]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; } else if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^https?\\://(www\\.)?([a-z0-9-]+\\.)?deviantart\\.com\\/art/[0-9a-z-]+?\\-([0-9]+)(\\?.+)?$', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('deviantart', n[3]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; } else if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^https?\\://(www\\.)?e621\\.net\\/post\\/show\\/([0-9]+)\\/', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('e621', n[2]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; } else if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^https?\\://derpiboo\\.ru\\/([0-9]+)', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('derpibooru', n[1]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; } else if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^https?\\://([0-9a-z-]+)\\.tumblr\\.com\\/post\\/([0-9]+)', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('tumblr', n[2], {'username': n[1]}); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; /* }else if (n=href.match(new RegExp('^https?\\://(www\\.)?konachan\\.net\\/post\\/show\\/([0-9]+)\\/', 'i'))){ var image=create_image('konachannet', n[2]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; }else if (n=href.match(new RegExp('^https?\\://(www\\.)?konachan\\.com\\/post\\/show\\/([0-9]+)\\/', 'i'))){ var image=create_image('konachancom', n[2]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; */ } else if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^https?://(www\\.)?pixiv\\.net\\/member_illust\\.php\\?mode\\=medium\\&illust_id\\=([0-9]+)', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('pixiv', n[2]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; } else if (n = href.match(new RegExp('^http\\:\\/\\/anime\\-pictures\\.net\\/pictures\\/view_post\\/([0-9]+)', 'i'))) { var image = create_image('animepicturesnet', n[1]); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(image, obj); booru_picture_count++; } else if (false) { } }); } function create_image(domain, id, additional) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = 'https://api.kanaria.ru/point/get_booru_picture.php?domain=' + domain + '&id=' + id; if (typeof(additional) != 'undefined') { for (var index in additional) { a.href += '&add_' + encodeURIComponent(index) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(additional[index]); } } $(a).addClass('booru_pic').addClass('booru-' + domain + '-' + id).addClass('postimg').attr({ 'id': 'booru_pic_' + booru_picture_count, 'title': domain + ' image #' + id, 'target': '_blank' }); var image = document.createElement('img'); image.alt = a.title; image.src = a.href; a.appendChild(image); return a; } /* point */ // Эта часть написана @RainbowSpike function mark_unread_post() { // @todo Проверить работает ли var divs = $(".post"); // массив постов for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { // обыск постов var spans = $(divs[i]).find(".unread"); // поиск метки непрочитанных комментов if (spans.length > 0) { // если в посте есть непрочитанные комменты... $(divs[i]).css({//...залить пост зеленоватым и скруглить 'background-color': '#EEFFEE', 'border-radius': '10px' }); } } } // Webm function parse_webm() { $('a').each(function (num, obj) { if ($(obj).hasClass('booru_pic')) { return; } var href = obj.href; var n = null; if (n = href.match(new RegExp('\\.webm(\\?.+)?$', 'i'))) { var player = document.createElement('video'); // @todo Там может быть не vp8+vorbis $(player).html('').attr('controls', 'controls').css({ 'display': 'block', 'max-width': '95%' }).addClass('parsed-webm-link'); obj.parentElement.insertBefore(player, obj); } }); } // Плашки у постов function set_posts_count_label() { var ids = []; $('div.post').each(function (num, obj) { var t = $(obj).attr('data-comment-id'); if (typeof(t) !== 'undefined') { return; } var id = $(obj).attr('data-id'); ids.push(id); }); $ajax({ 'url': 'https://api.kanaria.ru/point/get_post_info.php?list=' + urlencode(ids.join(',')), 'success': function (a) { var answer = JSON.parse(a); $('div.post').each(function (num, obj) { var id = $(obj).attr('data-id'); var postid = $(obj).find('.post-id a')[0]; var t = $(obj).attr('data-comment-id'); if (typeof(t) !== 'undefined') { return; } var e1 = document.createElement('span'); $(e1).addClass('authors_unique_count').html(answer.list[id].count_comment_unique).attr('title', 'Количество комментаторов'); postid.appendChild(e1); var e2 = document.createElement('span'); $(e2).addClass('recomendation_count').html('~' + answer.list[id].count_recommendation).attr('title', 'Количество рекомендаций. Работает криво, спасибо @arts\'у за это'); postid.appendChild(e2); }); } }) }