mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 09:36:58 +00:00
Options dependency fix.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,35 +5,38 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// Loading options
chrome.storage.sync.get(ppOptions, function(options) {
// Fancybox
// Images
if (options.option_fancybox_images == true) {
// Linking images in posts to the galleries
$('.post-content .text').each(function(idxPost){
$(this).find('a.postimg:not(.youtube)').attr('rel', 'post' + idxPost);
// Init fancybox
// Videos
if (options.option_fancybox_videos == true) {
helpers: {
media: {
youtube: {
params: {
autoplay: 1
if (options.option_fancybox == true) {
// Images
if (options.option_fancybox_images == true) {
// Linking images in posts to the galleries
$('.post-content .text').each(function(idxPost){
$(this).find('a.postimg:not(.youtube)').attr('rel', 'post' + idxPost);
// Init fancybox
// Videos
if (options.option_fancybox_videos == true) {
helpers: {
media: {
youtube: {
params: {
autoplay: 1
// Posts
if (options.option_fancybox_posts == true) {
$('.post-id a').attr('data-fancybox-type', 'iframe').fancybox({
maxWidth: 780
// Posts
if (options.option_fancybox_posts == true) {
$('.post-id a').attr('data-fancybox-type', 'iframe').fancybox({
maxWidth: 780
// Hotkeys
// Send by CTRL+Enter
if (options.option_ctrl_enter == true) {
@ -104,109 +107,112 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// WebSocket
// Comments
if (options.option_ws_comments == true) {
// If we are in the post page
if ($('#top-post').length > 0) {
// Comments view mode
treeSwitch = $('#tree-switch a.active').attr('href');
// WS connection
console.log('Starting WebSocket connection');
ws = new WebSocket('wss://point.im/ws');
// Message handler
ws.onmessage = function(evt) {
try {
// ping :)
if (evt.data == 'ping') {
console.log('WS ping received');
} else {
var wsMessage = JSON.parse(evt.data);
if (options.option_ws == true) {
// Comments
if (options.option_ws_comments == true) {
// If we are in the post page
if ($('#top-post').length > 0) {
// Post id
var postId = $('#top-post').attr('data-id');
// Comments view mode
treeSwitch = $('#tree-switch a.active').attr('href');
// If this is a comment for this post
if ((wsMessage.a == 'comment') && (wsMessage.post_id == postId)) {
var $anchor = $('<a>').attr('name', wsMessage.comment_id);
// WS connection
console.log('Starting WebSocket connection');
ws = new WebSocket('wss://point.im/ws');
// Message handler
ws.onmessage = function(evt) {
try {
// ping :)
if (evt.data == 'ping') {
console.log('WS ping received');
} else {
var wsMessage = JSON.parse(evt.data);
// Initializing comment element
var $commentTemplate = $('<div>').attr({
'class': 'post',
'data-id': postId,
'data-comment-id': wsMessage.comment_id
// Post id
var postId = $('#top-post').attr('data-id');
// Loading HTML template
$commentTemplate.load(chrome.extension.getURL('includes/comment.html'), function() {
// Load complete
console.log('comment.html loaded');
// If this is a comment for this post
if ((wsMessage.a == 'comment') && (wsMessage.post_id == postId)) {
var $anchor = $('<a>').attr('name', wsMessage.comment_id);
// Date and time of comment
var date = new Date();
// Initializing comment element
var $commentTemplate = $('<div>').attr({
'class': 'post',
'data-id': postId,
'data-comment-id': wsMessage.comment_id
// Data for template
var userLink = location.protocol + '//' + wsMessage.author + '.point.im/';
var postAuthorLink = $('#top-post .info a').attr('href');
var postLink = postAuthorLink + wsMessage.post_id;
var userAvatar = location.protocol + '//point.im/avatar/' + wsMessage.author;
var commentLink = location.protocol + '//point.im/' + wsMessage.post_id + '#' + wsMessage.comment_id;
var csRfToken = $('.reply-form input[name="csrf_token"').val();
// Loading HTML template
$commentTemplate.load(chrome.extension.getURL('includes/comment.html'), function() {
// Load complete
console.log('comment.html loaded');
// Filling template
console.log('Changing data in the comment element');
// Date and time
$commentTemplate.find('.info .created')
.append($('<span>').html(((date.getDate().toString.length < 2) ? ('0' + date.getDate().toString()) : (date.getDate().toString())) + ' ' + months[date.getMonth()]))
// Crutchy fix
///Crutchy fix
.append($('<span>').html(date.getHours() + ':' + ((date.getMinutes().toString().length < 2) ? ('0' + date.getMinutes().toString()) : (date.getMinutes().toString()))));
// Comment text
// Author
$commentTemplate.find('.author a.user').attr('href', userLink).html(wsMessage.author);
// Avatar and link
$commentTemplate.find('.info a').attr('href', userLink).children('img.avatar').attr('src', userAvatar + '/24');
// Post and comment ID's link
$commentTemplate.find('.clearfix .post-id a').attr('href', commentLink).html('#' + wsMessage.post_id + '/' + wsMessage.comment_id)
// Adding answer label
.after((wsMessage.to_comment_id !== null) ? (' в ответ на <a href="#' + wsMessage.to_comment_id + '">/' + wsMessage.to_comment_id + '</a>') : (''));
// Setting action labels and other attributes
$commentTemplate.find('.action-labels .reply-label').attr('for', 'reply-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.action-labels .more-label').attr('for', 'action-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content input[name="action-radio"]').attr('id', 'action-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
// Bookmark link
$commentTemplate.find('.action-buttons a.bookmark').attr('href', postLink + '/b?comment_id=' + wsMessage.comment_id + '&csrf_token=' + csRfToken);
// Reply form
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content input.reply-radio').attr('id', 'reply-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form').attr('action', '/' + wsMessage.post_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form textarea[name="text"]').html('@' + wsMessage.author + ', ');
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form input[name="comment_id"]').val(wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form input[name="csrf_token"]').val(csRfToken);
///Filling template
// Date and time of comment
var date = new Date();
console.log('Inserting new comment into the DOM');
// Insert new comment in the list
$('.content-wrap #comments #post-reply').before($commentTemplate.hide().fadeIn(2000).css('background-color', '#FFFFBB'));
// Adding anchor
// Data for template
var userLink = location.protocol + '//' + wsMessage.author + '.point.im/';
var postAuthorLink = $('#top-post .info a').attr('href');
var postLink = postAuthorLink + wsMessage.post_id;
var userAvatar = location.protocol + '//point.im/avatar/' + wsMessage.author;
var commentLink = location.protocol + '//point.im/' + wsMessage.post_id + '#' + wsMessage.comment_id;
var csRfToken = $('.reply-form input[name="csrf_token"').val();
// Filling template
console.log('Changing data in the comment element');
// Date and time
$commentTemplate.find('.info .created')
.append($('<span>').html(((date.getDate().toString.length < 2) ? ('0' + date.getDate().toString()) : (date.getDate().toString())) + ' ' + months[date.getMonth()]))
// Crutchy fix
///Crutchy fix
.append($('<span>').html(date.getHours() + ':' + ((date.getMinutes().toString().length < 2) ? ('0' + date.getMinutes().toString()) : (date.getMinutes().toString()))));
// Comment text
// Author
$commentTemplate.find('.author a.user').attr('href', userLink).html(wsMessage.author);
// Avatar and link
$commentTemplate.find('.info a').attr('href', userLink).children('img.avatar').attr('src', userAvatar + '/24');
// Post and comment ID's link
$commentTemplate.find('.clearfix .post-id a').attr('href', commentLink).html('#' + wsMessage.post_id + '/' + wsMessage.comment_id)
// Adding answer label
.after((wsMessage.to_comment_id !== null) ? (' в ответ на <a href="#' + wsMessage.to_comment_id + '">/' + wsMessage.to_comment_id + '</a>') : (''));
// Setting action labels and other attributes
$commentTemplate.find('.action-labels .reply-label').attr('for', 'reply-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.action-labels .more-label').attr('for', 'action-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content input[name="action-radio"]').attr('id', 'action-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
// Bookmark link
$commentTemplate.find('.action-buttons a.bookmark').attr('href', postLink + '/b?comment_id=' + wsMessage.comment_id + '&csrf_token=' + csRfToken);
// Reply form
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content input.reply-radio').attr('id', 'reply-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form').attr('action', '/' + wsMessage.post_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form textarea[name="text"]').html('@' + wsMessage.author + ', ');
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form input[name="comment_id"]').val(wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form input[name="csrf_token"]').val(csRfToken);
///Filling template
console.log('Inserting new comment into the DOM');
// Insert new comment in the list
$('.content-wrap #comments #post-reply').before($commentTemplate.hide().fadeIn(2000).css('background-color', '#FFFFBB'));
// Adding anchor
} catch(e) {
console.log('WebSocket exception:')
} catch(e) {
console.log('WebSocket exception:')
} else {
} else {
// Showing page action
Reference in a new issue