mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 17:24:20 +00:00
Merged in feature_ajax_comments (pull request #32) Отправка комментариев через AJAX
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,8 +113,11 @@
"option_nsfw_blur_comments_entire": {
"message": "Blur entire comments in nsfw posts"
"option_ctrl_enter": {
"message": "Send post and comments by CTRL+Enter (deprecated)"
"option_ajax": {
"message": "AJAX"
"option_ajax_comments": {
"message": "Send comments via AJAX (CTRL+Enter)"
"option_fluid_layout": {
"message": "Fluid layout"
@ -137,14 +140,14 @@
"option_ws_comments_notifications": {
"message": "Show desktop notifications"
"option_ws_feeds": {
"message": "Process feeds ▼"
"option_ws_posts": {
"message": "Process posts ▼"
"option_ws_feeds_subscriptions": {
"message": "Subscriptions feed"
"option_ws_posts_add": {
"message": "Add posts to the feed"
"option_ws_feeds_blogs": {
"message": "User blog pages (only when subscribed)"
"option_ws_posts_notifications": {
"message": "Show desktop notifications"
"option_enlarge_font": {
"message": "Enlarge font size ▼"
@ -177,5 +180,10 @@
"options_feedback_text": {
"message": "<p>If you find an error do not hesitate to <a href=\"https:\/\/bitbucket.org\/skobkin\/chrome_point_plus\/issues?status=new&status=open\" target=\"_blank\">send me a bug report<\/a>.<\/p><p>Also you can make a donation in the following ways:<\/p><p><iframe frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\" scrolling=\"no\" src=\"https:\/\/money.yandex.ru\/embed\/small.xml?account=41001539215836&quickpay=small&yamoney-payment-type=on&button-text=04&button-size=s&button-color=black&targets=Point%2B&default-sum=150&successURL=https%3A%2F%2Fbitbucket.org%2Fskobkin%2Fchrome_point_plus\" width=\"158\" height=\"31\"><\/p><p><\/iframe><\/p><p><iframe frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\" scrolling=\"no\" src=\"https:\/\/money.yandex.ru\/embed\/small.xml?account=41001539215836&quickpay=small&any-card-payment-type=on&button-text=04&button-size=s&button-color=black&targets=Point%2B&default-sum=150&successURL=https%3A%2F%2Fbitbucket.org%2Fskobkin%2Fchrome_point_plus\" width=\"158\" height=\"31\"><\/iframe><\/p><p><form action=\"https:\/\/www.paypal.com\/cgi-bin\/webscr\" method=\"post\" target=\"_top\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"_s-xclick\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hosted_button_id\" value=\"RCW5V6UFXYTRE\"><input type=\"image\" src=\"https:\/\/www.paypalobjects.com\/ru_RU\/RU\/i\/btn\/btn_donateCC_LG.gif\" border=\"0\" name=\"submit\" alt=\"PayPal — более безопасный и легкий способ оплаты через Интернет!\"><img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" src=\"https:\/\/www.paypalobjects.com\/en_US\/i\/scr\/pixel.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"><\/form><\/p>"
"message": "Comment send error:"
@ -113,8 +113,11 @@
"option_nsfw_blur_comments_entire": {
"message": "Размытие комментариев целиком"
"option_ctrl_enter": {
"message": "Отправлять текст по CTRL+Enter (устарело)"
"option_ajax": {
"message": "AJAX"
"option_ajax_comments": {
"message": "Отправка комментариев через AJAX (CTRL+Enter)"
"option_fluid_layout": {
"message": ""Резиновая" вёрстка (растянуть сайт по горизонтали)"
@ -135,16 +138,16 @@
"message": "Затухание подсветки через 20 секунд"
"option_ws_comments_notifications": {
"message": "Включить уведомления на рабочем столе"
"message": "Показывать всплывающие уведомления"
"option_ws_feeds": {
"message": "Обрабатывать ленты ▼"
"option_ws_posts": {
"message": "Обрабатывать посты ▼"
"option_ws_feeds_subscriptions": {
"message": "Подписки"
"option_ws_posts_add": {
"message": "Автоматически добавлять в ленту"
"option_ws_feeds_blogs": {
"message": "Блоги пользователей (только при подписке)"
"option_ws_posts_notifications": {
"message": "Показывать всплывающие уведомления"
"option_enlarge_font": {
"message": "Увеличить шрифт ▼"
@ -178,5 +181,10 @@
"options_feedback_text": {
"message": "<p>Нашли ошибку? Не стесняйтесь <a href=\"https:\/\/bitbucket.org\/skobkin\/chrome_point_plus\/issues?status=new&status=open\" target=\"_blank\">сообщить о ней<\/a>.<\/p><p>Также вы можете сделать пожертвование автору:<\/p><p><iframe frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\" scrolling=\"no\" src=\"https:\/\/money.yandex.ru\/embed\/small.xml?account=41001539215836&quickpay=small&yamoney-payment-type=on&button-text=04&button-size=s&button-color=black&targets=Point%2B&default-sum=150&successURL=https%3A%2F%2Fbitbucket.org%2Fskobkin%2Fchrome_point_plus\" width=\"158\" height=\"31\"><\/iframe><\/p><p><iframe frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\" scrolling=\"no\" src=\"https:\/\/money.yandex.ru\/embed\/small.xml?account=41001539215836&quickpay=small&any-card-payment-type=on&button-text=04&button-size=s&button-color=black&targets=Point%2B&default-sum=150&successURL=https%3A%2F%2Fbitbucket.org%2Fskobkin%2Fchrome_point_plus\" width=\"158\" height=\"31\"><\/iframe><\/p><p><form action=\"https:\/\/www.paypal.com\/cgi-bin\/webscr\" method=\"post\" target=\"_top\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"_s-xclick\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hosted_button_id\" value=\"WW33X5J5WFSP4\"><input type=\"image\" src=\"https:\/\/www.paypalobjects.com\/ru_RU\/RU\/i\/btn\/btn_donateCC_LG.gif\" border=\"0\" name=\"submit\" alt=\"PayPal — более безопасный и легкий способ оплаты через Интернет!\"><img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" src=\"https:\/\/www.paypalobjects.com\/en_US\/i\/scr\/pixel.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"><\/form><\/p>"
"message": "Ошибка отправки комментария:"
@ -8,6 +8,23 @@ chrome.storage.sync.get('options_version', function(data) {
// Adding notification click event listener
chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener(function(notificationId) {
// Detecting notification type
if (notificationId.indexOf('comment_') === 0) {
tab_url = 'https://point.im/' + notificationId.replace(/comment_/g, '');
} else if (notificationId.indexOf('post_') === 0) {
tab_url = 'https://point.im/' + notificationId.replace(/post_/g, '');
console.log('Notification %s clicked! Opening new tab: %s', notificationId, tab_url);
if (tab_url !== undefined) {
url: tab_url
// Crutches and bikes
* Inject several JS files
@ -79,30 +96,6 @@ chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
return true;
case 'listenNotificationClicks':
// Adding notification click event listener
chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener(function(notificationId) {
// Detecting notification type
if (notificationId.indexOf('comment_') === 0) {
tab_url = message.protocol + '//' + 'point.im/' + notificationId.replace(/comment_/g, '');
} else if (notificationId.indexOf('post_') === 0) {
tab_url = message.protocol + '//' + 'point.im/' + notificationId.replace(/post_/g, '');
console.log('Notification %s clicked! Opening new tab: %s', notificationId, tab_url);
if (tab_url !== undefined) {
url: tab_url
// Fuck You, Chrome API documentation!
return true;
* @deprecated since 1.19.1
@ -381,13 +381,6 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
ws = new WebSocket(((location.protocol == 'https:') ? 'wss' : 'ws') + '://point.im/ws');
console.log('WebSocket created: %O', ws);
// @todo: унести в опцию
// Adding event listener for notification click
type: 'listenNotificationClicks',
protocol: getProtocol()
// Detecting post id if presented
var postId = $('#top-post').attr('data-id');
console.debug('Current post id detected as #%s', postId);
@ -432,139 +425,86 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// Check we are in specified post
if (wsMessage.post_id != postId) {
console.log('The comment is for #%s but current page is for #%s', wsMessage.post_id, postId);
console.log('The comment is not for this post');
var $anchor = $('<a>').attr('name', wsMessage.comment_id);
// Initializing comment element
var $commentTemplate = $('<div>').attr({
'class': 'post',
'data-id': postId,
'data-comment-id': wsMessage.comment_id,
'data-to-comment-id': (wsMessage.to_comment_id != null) ? wsMessage.to_comment_id : ''
// @todo: Вынести в отдельную функцию
// Loading HTML template
$commentTemplate.load(chrome.extension.getURL('includes/comment.html'), function() {
// Load complete
console.info('comment.html loaded');
// Date and time of comment
var date = new Date();
// @todo: унести наверх
// Data for template
var userLink = '//' + wsMessage.author + '.point.im/';
var postAuthorLink = $('#top-post .info a').attr('href');
var postLink = postAuthorLink + wsMessage.post_id;
var userAvatar = '//point.im/avatar/' + wsMessage.author;
var commentLink = '//point.im/' + wsMessage.post_id + '#' + wsMessage.comment_id;
var csRfToken = $('.reply-form input[name="csrf_token"').val();
// Filling template
console.info('Changing data in the comment element');
// Date and time
$commentTemplate.find('.info .created')
.append($('<span>').html(((date.getDate().toString.length < 2) ? ('0' + date.getDate().toString()) : (date.getDate().toString())) + ' ' + months[date.getMonth()]))
// Crutchy fix
///Crutchy fix
.append($('<span>').html(date.getHours() + ':' + ((date.getMinutes().toString().length < 2) ? ('0' + date.getMinutes().toString()) : (date.getMinutes().toString()))));
// Comment text
// Author
$commentTemplate.find('.author a.user').attr('href', userLink).html(wsMessage.author);
// Avatar and link
$commentTemplate.find('.info a').attr('href', userLink).children('img.avatar').attr('src', userAvatar + '/24');
// Post and comment ID's link
$commentTemplate.find('.clearfix .post-id a').attr('href', commentLink).html('#' + wsMessage.post_id + '/' + wsMessage.comment_id)
// Adding answer label
.after((wsMessage.to_comment_id !== null) ? (' в ответ на <a href="#' + wsMessage.to_comment_id + '">/' + wsMessage.to_comment_id + '</a>') : (''));
// Setting action labels and other attributes
$commentTemplate.find('.action-labels .reply-label').attr('for', 'reply-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.action-labels .more-label').attr('for', 'action-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content input[name="action-radio"]').attr('id', 'action-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
// Bookmark link
$commentTemplate.find('.action-buttons a.bookmark').attr('href', postLink + '/b?comment_id=' + wsMessage.comment_id + '&csrf_token=' + csRfToken);
// Reply form
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content input.reply-radio').attr('id', 'reply-' + wsMessage.post_id + '_' + wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form').attr('action', '/' + wsMessage.post_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form textarea[name="text"]').html('@' + wsMessage.author + ', ');
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form input[name="comment_id"]').val(wsMessage.comment_id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form input[name="csrf_token"]').val(csRfToken);
///Filling template
// Generating comment from websocket message
id: wsMessage.comment_id,
toId: wsMessage.to_comment_id,
postId: wsMessage.post_id,
author: wsMessage.author,
text: wsMessage.text,
fadeOut: options.is('option_ws_comments_color_fadeout')
}, function($comment) {
// It's time to DOM
console.info('Inserting comment');
// Search for parent comment
$parentComment = (wsMessage.to_comment_id) ? ($('.post[data-comment-id="' + wsMessage.to_comment_id + '"]')) : [];
console.log('Parent comment: %O', $parentComment || null);
// If list mode or not addressed to other comment
if ((treeSwitch == '?tree=0') || (wsMessage.to_comment_id == null)) {
// List mode
$('.content-wrap #comments #post-reply').before($commentTemplate.hide().fadeIn(2000));
if ($('#comments #tree-switch a').eq(0).hasClass('active') || (wsMessage.to_comment_id === null) || (!$parentComment.length)) {
// Adding to the end of the list
$('.content-wrap #comments #post-reply').before($comment);
} else {
// Tree mode
// Search parent comment
$parentComment = $('.post[data-comment-id="' + wsMessage.to_comment_id + '"]');
if ($parentComment.length > 0) {
console.log('Parent comment: %O', $parentComment);
// Check for children
$parentCommentChildren = $parentComment.next('.comments');
// If child comment already exist
if ($parentCommentChildren.length > 0) {
console.log('Child comments found. Appending...');
} else {
console.log('No child comments found. Creating...');
// Check for children
$parentCommentChildren = $parentComment.next('.comments');
// If child comment already exist
if ($parentCommentChildren.length > 0) {
console.log('Child comments found. Appending...');
} else {
console.log('Parent comment not found');
// FIXME: Double code
$('.content-wrap #comments #post-reply').before($commentTemplate.hide().fadeIn(2000));
console.log('No child comments found. Creating...');
// Adding anchor
// Fading out highlight if needed
if (options.is('option_ws_comments_color_fadeout')) {
console.log('Fading out the highlight');
// Desktop notifications
if (options.is('option_ws_comments_notifications')) {
console.log('Showing desktop notification');
type: 'showNotification',
notificationId: 'comment_' + wsMessage.post_id + '#' + wsMessage.comment_id,
avatarUrl: getProtocol() + userAvatar + '/80',
title: '@' + wsMessage.author + ' #' + wsMessage.post_id + '(/' + wsMessage.comment_id + ')',
avatarUrl: getProtocol() + '//point.im/avatar/' + wsMessage.author + '/80',
title: '@' + wsMessage.author + ' #' + wsMessage.post_id + '/' + wsMessage.comment_id,
text: wsMessage.text
}, function(response) {});
// Posts
case 'post':
console.group('ws-post #%s', wsMessage.post_id);
console.groupCollapsed('ws-post #%s', wsMessage.post_id);
if (options.is('option_ws_posts')) {
if (options.is('option_ws_posts_notifications')) {
console.log('Showing desktop notification');
type: 'showNotification',
notificationId: 'post_' + wsMessage.post_id,
avatarUrl: getProtocol() + '//point.im/avatar/' + wsMessage.author + '/80',
title: 'Post by @' + wsMessage.author + ' #' + wsMessage.post_id,
text: wsMessage.text
}, function(response) {});
// Recommendation
case 'ok':
console.group('ws-recommendation #%s/%s', wsMessage.post_id, wsMessage.comment_id);
console.groupCollapsed('ws-recommendation #%s/%s', wsMessage.post_id, wsMessage.comment_id);
@ -572,7 +512,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
@ -585,7 +525,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
} catch (e) {
console.log('WebSocket exception:')
console.log('WebSocket exception:');
@ -604,6 +544,92 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
file: 'css/modules/at_before_username.css'
if (options.is('option_ajax')) {
// Comments
if (options.is('option_ajax_comments')) {
// Removing old bindings
// Dirty hack for page context
// Binding new
$('#comments').on('keypress.pp', '.reply-form textarea', function (evt) {
if ((evt.keyCode === 10 || evt.keyCode === 13) && (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey)) {
var $post = $(this).parents('.post').first();
var csRf = $(this).siblings('input[name="csrf_token"]').val();
type: 'POST',
url: '/api/post/' + $post.data('id'),
data: {
text: $(this).val(),
comment_id: $post.data('comment-id')
error: function(req, status, error) {
console.error('AJAX request error while sending the comment: %s', error);
console.log('Status: %s', status);
alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage('msg_comment_send_failed') + '\n' + error);
* @param {object} data Response data
* @param {number} data.comment_id ID of the created comment
* @param {string} data.id ID of the post
* @param {string} textStatus Text of request status
success: function(data, textStatus) {
console.log('data %O', data);
console.log('status %O', textStatus);
if (textStatus === 'success') {
// Hiding form
$('#reply-' + $post.data('id') + '_' + $post.data('comment-id')).prop('checked', false);
// Creating the comment HTML
id: data.comment_id,
toId: $post.data('comment-id') || null,
postId: $post.data('id'),
author: $('#name h1').text(),
text: $(this).val(),
fadeOut: false
}, function($comment) {
// If list mode or not addressed to other comment
if ($('#comments #tree-switch a').eq(0).hasClass('active') || ($post.data('comment-id') === undefined)) {
// Adding to the end of the list
$('.content-wrap #comments #post-reply').before($comment);
} else {
// Check for children
$parentCommentChildren = $post.next('.comments');
// @fixme Find a bug with lost indentation of new comment
// If child comment already exist
if ($parentCommentChildren.length) {
console.log('Child comments found. Appending...');
} else {
console.log('No child comments found. Creating...');
// Cleaning textarea
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF', csRf);
// Hightlight post with new comments
if (options.is('option_other_hightlight_post_comments')) {
@ -646,22 +672,96 @@ function getProtocol() {
return ((location.protocol == 'http:') ? 'http:' : 'https:');
function escapeHtml(text) {
return text
.replace(/&/g, "&")
.replace(/</g, "<")
//.replace(/>/g, ">")
.replace(/"/g, """)
.replace(/'/g, "'")
.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
// Monts for Date.getMonth()
var months = [
'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
* Creating new comment elements for dynamic injection into the DOM
* @param {object} commentData Comment data
* @param {string|number} commentData.id ID of the created comment
* @param {string|number} commentData.toId ID of the comment replying to
* @param {string} commentData.postId ID of the post
* @param {string} commentData.author Author of the comment
* @param {string} commentData.text Text of the comment
* @param {boolean} commentData.fadeOut Is fadeout enabled or not
* @param {function} onCommentCreated Callback which is called when comment is ready
function create_comment_elements(commentData, onCommentCreated) {
var $anchor = $('<a>').attr('name', commentData.id);
// Initializing comment element
var $commentTemplate = $('<div>').attr({
'class': 'post',
'data-id': commentData.postId,
'data-comment-id': commentData.id,
'data-to-comment-id': commentData.id || ''
// Loading HTML template
$commentTemplate.load(chrome.extension.getURL('includes/comment.html'), function() {
// Load complete
console.info('comment.html loaded');
// Date and time of comment
var date = new Date();
// Data for template
var userLink = '//' + commentData.author + '.point.im/';
var csRfToken = $('.reply-form input[name="csrf_token"]').first().val();
// Filling template
// Date and time
$commentTemplate.find('.info .created')
.append($('<span>').html(((date.getDate().toString.length < 2) ? ('0' + date.getDate().toString()) : (date.getDate().toString())) + ' ' + months[date.getMonth()]))
// Crutchy fix
///Crutchy fix
.append($('<span>').html(date.getHours() + ':' + ((date.getMinutes().toString().length < 2) ? ('0' + date.getMinutes().toString()) : (date.getMinutes().toString()))));
// Comment text
// Author
$commentTemplate.find('.author a.user').attr('href', userLink).text(commentData.author);
// Avatar and link
$commentTemplate.find('.info a').attr('href', userLink).children('img.avatar').attr('src', '//point.im/avatar/' + commentData.author + '/24');
// Post and comment ID's link
$commentTemplate.find('.clearfix .post-id a').attr('href', '//point.im/' + commentData.postId + '#' + commentData.id).text('#' + commentData.postId + '/' + commentData.id)
// Adding answer label
.after((commentData.toId !== null) ? (' в ответ на <a href="#' + commentData.toId + '">/' + commentData.toId + '</a>') : (''));
// Setting action labels and other attributes
$commentTemplate.find('.action-labels .reply-label').attr('for', 'reply-' + commentData.postId + '_' + commentData.id);
$commentTemplate.find('.action-labels .more-label').attr('for', 'action-' + commentData.postId + '_' + commentData.id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content input[name="action-radio"]').attr('id', 'action-' + commentData.postId + '_' + commentData.id);
// Bookmark link
$commentTemplate.find('.action-buttons a.bookmark').attr('href', $('#top-post .info a').attr('href') + commentData.postId + '/b?comment_id=' + commentData.id + '&csrf_token=' + csRfToken);
// Reply form
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content input.reply-radio').attr('id', 'reply-' + commentData.postId + '_' + commentData.id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form').attr('action', '/' + commentData.postId);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form textarea[name="text"]').html('@' + commentData.author + ', ');
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form input[name="comment_id"]').val(commentData.id);
$commentTemplate.find('.post-content form.reply-form input[name="csrf_token"]').val(csRfToken);
///Filling template
// Fading out highlight if needed
if (commentData.fadeOut) {
console.log('Fading out the highlight');
// @todo add indentation indicator support
// Hiding
// Triggering callback
// Картинки с бурятников
var booru_picture_count = 0;
function load_all_booru_images() {
@ -165,10 +165,15 @@
<section class="tabs-content-item" id="other">
<label class="option-node">
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ctrl-enter" disabled="disabled">
<span data-i18n="option_ctrl_enter"></span>
<div class="option-node">
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ajax" id="option-ajax">
<label for="option-ajax" data-i18n="option_ajax"></label>
<label class="option-node">
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ajax-comments">
<span data-i18n="option_ajax_comments"></span>
<label class="option-node">
<input type="checkbox" name="option-fluid-layout">
@ -264,17 +269,17 @@
<div class="option-node">
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ws-feeds" id="option-ws-feeds" disabled>
<label for="option-ws-feeds" data-i18n="option_ws_feeds"></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ws-posts" id="option-ws-posts">
<label for="option-ws-posts" data-i18n="option_ws_posts"></label>
<label class="option-node">
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ws-feeds-subscriptions">
<span data-i18n="option_ws_feeds_subscriptions"></span>
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ws-posts-add" disabled>
<span data-i18n="option_ws_posts_add"></span>
<label class="option-node">
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ws-feeds-blogs">
<span data-i18n="option_ws_feeds_blogs"></span>
<input type="checkbox" name="option-ws-posts-notifications">
<span data-i18n="option_ws_posts_notifications"></span>
Reference in a new issue