import time from bleach.sanitizer import Cleaner from telebot import TeleBot from telebot.handler_backends import BaseMiddleware from telebot.types import Message import validators from database import Database from exceptions import DisplayableException from rss import FeedItem class CommandProcessor: """Processes user input and dispatches the data to other services.""" def __init__(self, token: str, database: Database): if token is None or len(token) == 0: raise ValueError("Token should not be empty") TeleBot = TeleBot(token, use_class_middlewares=True) self.database: Database = database def run(self): """Run a bot and poll for new messages indefinitely."""['add'], callback=self.__add_feed)['list'], callback=self.__list_feeds)['del'], callback=self.__delete_feed)['help', 'start'], callback=self.__command_help) def __command_help(self, message: Message, data: dict): # pylint: disable=unused-argument message, 'Supported commands:\n' ' /add - Add new feed\n' ' /list - List currently added feeds\n' ' /del - Remove feed\n' ' /help - Get this help message' ) def __add_feed(self, message: Message, data: dict): args = message.text.split() if len(args) < 2: raise DisplayableException('Feed URL should be specified') url = str(args[1]) if not self.__is_url_valid(url): raise DisplayableException('Invalid feed URL') self.database.subscribe_user_by_url(data['user_id'], url), 'Successfully subscribed to feed.') def __list_feeds(self, message: Message, data: dict): feeds = self.database.find_user_feeds(data['user_id']) feed_list = '' for index, feed in enumerate(feeds, start=1): feed_list += str(index) + ': ' + f"{feed['url']}" + '\n', 'Your feeds:\n' + feed_list) def __delete_feed(self, message: Message, data: dict): args = message.text.split() if len(args) < 2: raise DisplayableException('Feed URL should be specified') url = str(args[1]) if not self.__is_url_valid(url): raise DisplayableException('Invalid feed URL') self.database.unsubscribe_user_by_url(data['user_id'], url), 'Unsubscribed.') @staticmethod def __is_url_valid(url: str) -> bool: if not validators.url(url): return False # For security reasons we should not allow anything except HTTP/HTTPS. if not url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): return False return True class Notifier: """Sends notifications to users about new RSS feed items.""" BATCH_LIMIT: int = 30 sent_counter: int = 0 def __init__(self, token: str): TeleBot = TeleBot(token) self.html_sanitizer: Cleaner = Cleaner( tags=['b', 'strong', 'i', 'em', 'u', 'ins', 's', 'strike', 'del', 'span', 'tg-spoiler', 'a', 'code', 'pre'], attributes={"a": ["href", "title"]}, protocols=['http', 'https'], strip=True, ) def send_updates(self, chat_ids: list[int], updates: list[FeedItem], feed_title: str): """Send notification about new items to the user""" if not updates: return for chat_id in chat_ids: self.__count_request_and_wait() chat_id=chat_id, text=f'Updates from the {feed_title} feed:' ) for update in updates: self.__count_request_and_wait() self.__send_update(chat_id, update) def __send_update(self, chat_id: int, update: FeedItem): chat_id=chat_id, text=self.__format_message(update), parse_mode='HTML' ) def __count_request_and_wait(self): if self.sent_counter >= self.BATCH_LIMIT: # TODO: probably implement better later time.sleep(1) self.sent_counter = 0 self.sent_counter += 1 def __format_message(self, item: FeedItem) -> str: return ( # TODO: Return date when FeedItem starts to return formattable datetime object f"{item.title}\n\n" f"{self.__sanitize_html(item.description)}" ) def __sanitize_html(self, html: str) -> str: if not html: return '' return self.html_sanitizer.clean(html) class UserAuthMiddleware(BaseMiddleware): """Transparently authenticates and registers the user if needed.""" def __init__(self, database: Database): super().__init__() self.update_types = ['message'] self.database: Database = database def pre_process(self, message: Message, data: dict): """Pre-process update, find user and add it's ID to the handler data dictionary.""" data['user_id'] = self.__find_or_register_user(message) def post_process(self, message: Message, data: dict, exception): """Post-process update.""" def __find_or_register_user(self, message: Message) -> int: telegram_id = user_id = self.database.find_user(telegram_id) if user_id is None: return self.database.add_user(telegram_id) return user_id class ExceptionHandlerMiddleware(BaseMiddleware): """Sends messages to the user on exception.""" def __init__(self, bot: TeleBot): super().__init__() self.update_types = ['message'] TeleBot = bot def pre_process(self, message: Message, data: dict): """Pre-process update.""" # pylint: disable=W0613 def post_process(self, message: Message, data: dict, exception: Exception | None): """Post-process update. Send user an error notification.""" if exception is None: return if isinstance(exception, DisplayableException):, 'Error: ' + str(exception)) else:, 'Something went wrong. Please try again (maybe later).')