import sqlite3 """ Classes: Database - implement intercaction with the database. """ class Database(): """Implement intercaction with the database.""" def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: """Create a database file if not exists.""" self.conn = sqlite3.connect(path) self.cur = self.conn.cursor() self.cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INTEGER, telegram_id NUMERIC NOT NULL UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY(id))') self.cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds (id INTEGER, url TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY(id))') self.cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS subscriptions (user_id INTEGER, feed_id INTEGER, UNIQUE (user_id, feed_id), FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES users(id), FOREIGN KEY(feed_id) REFERENCES feeds(id))') self.cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds_last_items (feed_id INTEGER, url TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, title TEXT, description TEXT, date NUMERIC, FOREIGN KEY(feed_id) REFERENCES feeds(id))') def add_user(self, telegram_id: str) -> int: """Add a user's telegram id to the database and return its database id.""" self.cur.execute('INSERT INTO users (telegram_id) VALUES (?)', [telegram_id]) self.conn.commit() return self.cur.lastrowid def find_user(self, telegram_id: str) -> int | None: """Get a user's telegram id and return its database id.""" self.cur.execute('SELECT id FROM users WHERE telegram_id = ?', [telegram_id]) row = self.cur.fetchone() if row is None: return None return row[0] def add_feed(self, url: str) -> int: """Add a feed to the database and return its id.""" self.cur.execute('INSERT INTO feeds (url) VALUES (?)', [url]) self.conn.commit() return self.cur.lastrowid def subscribe_user(self, user_id: int, feed_id: int) -> None: """Subscribe a user to the feed.""" self.cur.execute('INSERT INTO subscriptions (user_id, feed_id) VALUES (?, ?)', [user_id, feed_id]) self.conn.commit() def unsubscribe_user(self, user_id: int, feed_id: int) -> None: """Unsubscribe a user from the feed.""" self.cur.execute('DELETE FROM subscriptions WHERE feed_id = ? AND user_id = ?', [feed_id, user_id]) self.conn.commit() def delete_feed(self, feed_id: int) -> None: """Delete a feed.""" self.cur.execute('DELETE FROM feeds WHERE id = ?', [feed_id]) self.conn.commit() def find_feeds(self) -> list: """Get a list of feeds.""" self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM feeds') return self.cur.fetchall() def find_user_feeds(self, user_id: int) -> list: """Return a list of feeds the user is subscribed to.""" self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM feeds WHERE id IN (SELECT feed_id FROM subscriptions WHERE user_id = ?)', [user_id]) return self.cur.fetchall() def find_feed_items(self, feed_id: int) -> list: """Get last feed items.""" self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM feeds_last_items WHERE feed_id = ?', [feed_id]) return self.cur.fetchall() def update_feed_items(self, feed_id: int, new_items: list) -> None: """Replace last feed items with a list items that receive.""" for i in range(len(new_items)): new_items[i] = (feed_id,) + new_items[i] self.cur.execute('DELETE FROM feeds_last_items WHERE feed_id = ?', [feed_id]) self.cur.executemany('INSERT INTO feeds_last_items (feed_id, url, title, description, date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', new_items) self.conn.commit()